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    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am at-risk for or currently experiencing homelessness, what should I do?

    HUD supports many organizations that provide housing assistance and/or supportive services to people.
    HUD is not a direct service provider. For direct assistance, please dial 2-1-1 and contact a homeless service provider in your area.

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    Affordable Places to LiveAffordable Places to Live

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am in search of affordable places to live, where can I get help?

    HUD supports many organizations that provide housing assistance and/or supportive services to people.
    HUD is not a direct service provider. For direct assistance, please refer to the following resources:

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    What additional housing resources (external to HUD) are available to me?
    • Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Properties
      Rents at LIHTC properties are less than on the open market, but not as affordable as a fully rent-subsidized unit. Rents are based on the income level assigned to each unit. Your income must be less than the maximum allowed for that unit, you must pay a set rent amount every month, and rents may be raised every year. You can use a Housing Choice Voucher at a LIHTC property. HUD isn’t involved in the daily operation of LIHTC properties. If you have a question or concern about a LIHTC property, contact the Washington State Housing Finance Commission (WSHFC) using this list: WSHFC Staff Assignments (by Property).

      You can use this map to look for LIHTC properties: List of all Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties in Washington State
    • USDA Rural Development Multifamily Housing
      The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development (RD) finances and subsidizes affordable Multifamily Housing properties in rural areas.
      You can use this tool to look for those properties in your area of choice: Multi-Family Housing Rentals.
      Each property is independently owned and operated, so you’ll need to check with each one to see if they have anything available.
    • Looking For Affordable Housing In Washington State? aptfinder.org is a non-profit connecting low-income households with affordable apartment communities. Properties voluntarily list their availability, including estimated dates, eligibility details, rent information, property photos, contact information and much more!
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    I need rental assistance (i.e. Section 8) from HUD, am I eligible and how do I apply?

    HUD has rental assistance and housing resources through the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs.

    Public Housing

    • Public Housing provides decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly and persons with disabilities. HUD provides federal aid to local Public Housing Authorities (PHA) that manage public housing for low-income residents at rents they can afford.
    • Eligibility: Public Housing is limited to low-income families and individuals. A Public Housing Authority determines eligibility based on 1) annual gross income, 2) whether you qualify as elderly, a person with disabilities or as a family, and 3) U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status.
    • To apply, contact your local Public Housing Authority.

    Housing Choice Voucher (commonly known as Section 8)

    • The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program assists low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private market. Housing assistance is provided through HUD on behalf of the family or individual, so participants can find their own housing. You can use an HCV to pay for all or part of the rent.
    • Eligibility: A Public Housing Authority will determine eligibility for the housing choice voucher program based on the total annual gross income and family size, U.S. citizenship and specified categories of non-citizens who have eligible immigration status.
    • To apply, contact your local Public Housing Authority. During the application process, a Public Housing Authority will collect information on family income, assets and family composition. The Public Housing Authority will use this information to determine program eligibility and the amount of the housing assistance payment.
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    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am facing foreclosure, what can I do?
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    How do I learn about Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans?
    • Visit the FHA Resource Center, e-mail us at answers@hud.gov, or call (toll-free) (800) CALL-FHA (800-225-5342) (TTY: 800-877-8339)
    • Looking for FHA information? We can help: FHAFAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
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    I am interested in buying a HUD home, where can I find information?
    I need to know how to pay off my FHA loan, where do I find this information?
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    I need home repairs or improvements, what are my options?
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    I am worried about lead-based paint, radon, mold, carbon monoxide, or other Healthy Homes issues, where can I find information about it?

    Report Housing DiscriminationReport Housing Discrimination

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I need to report housing discrimination, where do I go?

    * The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability.

    Rent Relief & Eviction ResourcesRent Relief & Eviction Resources

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am facing eviction, what can I do?

    HUD supports many organizations that provide housing assistance and/or supportive services to people.
    HUD is not a direct service provider. For direct assistance, please refer to the following resources:

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    I need rental payment assistance, where can I get help?
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    I need utility payment assistance, where can I get help?
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    Speak to a Housing CounselorSpeak to a Housing Counselor

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help

    I'd like to speak with a housing counselor, what can they assist me with?

    • Becoming a homeowner
    • Foreclosure assistance
    • Reverse mortgages
    • Home improvements/repairs to my home
    • Renting

    A HUD-certified Housing Counseling Agency can offer advice customized to your housing needs.

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    Housing Quality & Improved Living ConditionsHousing Quality & Improved Living Conditions

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am worried about lead-based paint, radon, mold, carbon monoxide, or other Healthy Homes issues. Where can I find this information?
    What are my options for home improvement?
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    Disaster ResourcesDisaster Resources

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I have experienced a disaster and need to register with FEMA. What do I do?

    Immediately after a disaster, FEMA, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and other government agencies offer initial assistance. HUD then provides additional support for ongoing recovery through programs and partnerships.

    • Register with FEMA online
    • Register through FEMA’s disaster app on your smartphone. If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, you can go to www.fema.gov/about/news-multimedia/mobile-products
    • Call (800) 621-3362. Phone lines are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time, seven days a week until further notice. Multilingual operators are on duty.


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    I have experienced a disaster and need to reach out to my Local Red Cross for help. Where do I go?
    I experienced a disaster and need help.
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    Native American ProgramsNative American Programs

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I need to contact my local Office of Native American Program (ONAP) Office. How do I do that?
    I am having issues with my Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE), where do I go?
    How do I apply for Tribal HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)?

    My Local Office Information

    For assistance at all times, we encourage you to utilize the self-help resources above.

    If you are unable to have your questions answered from the resources above, please click on the Need More Help button below to contact your local office for further assistance.


    Need More Help?


    Washington State Field Office
    909 1st Ave Ste 300
    Seattle, WA 98104

    Get Directions

    [Phone Icon]Phone: (206) 220-5101
    TTY: (206) 220-5254

    [Fax Icon] Fax: (202) 485-5744

    Gary Gant, Field Office Director

    Office of the Field Office Director


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    ⚠ In Distress? Reach Out for Help Now

    At HUD, we know housing challenges often come with other struggles. You’re not alone. These resources can help with safe housing, emergencies, or connecting with someone who will listen.

    If you are in immediate danger or need urgent help, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

    988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Life’s challenges can sometimes be difficult. If you are feeling overwhelmed, facing mental health struggles, or emotional distress, free support is available any time:

    • Call: 988
    • Text: 988
    • Chat: 988lifeline.org
      Trained counselors are here to listen and help, 24/7.

    Support for Domestic Violence Survivors. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, confidential help is available 24/7:

    Mental Health & Substance Use Support. The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Helpline offers free and confidential support for mental health, drug or alcohol use, and recovery:

    Rental, Homelessness, and Eviction Help. Need help with housing challenges, like eviction, renting, foreclosure, or credit issues?

    Row of houses