Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Mailing List
The purpose of this mailing list is to send information on the EHV program such as upcoming webinars/office hours, published notices, and other EHV-related information.
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program HUD Mailing List
If you are a public housing agency (PHA) administering the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program, we recommend that you subscribe to our Mailing List. This Mailing List is for FSS program coordinators and any pertinent PHA staff. Subscribers will automatically receive email notifications of important program news and updates. This is a free service.
FHA Single Family Housing Industry News
For lenders, servicers, appraisers, and others working with FHA Single Family insurance. Subscribe to FHA INFO emails to receive notifications on FHA Single Family Housing news including policy announcements, Mortgagee Letters, Federal Register notices, Single Family Housing Handbook updates, training, and educational offerings, job opportunities, and more. This email list will not send you a listing of HUD homes, information for low-to-moderate income/ first-time homebuyers, housing assistance grants, Section 8 rental information or housing subsidies. This subscription is free.
Financial Management Division (FMD)
This list enables the FMD to more effectively and expeditiously inform Subscribers, for example, Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and other interested parties of critical deadlines for program eligibility submissions, newly available guidance related to Operating Fund subsidy calculations, and "Stop Loss" requests. This supports HUD's FY2010-2015 Strategic Plan goal (#5) to "Transform the Way HUD Does Business" by streamlining business processes and procedures for communicating with business partners.
HUD News
Distributes press releases and other press communication to members of the media and the public.
HUD Office of Housing Counseling
For HUD approved Housing Counseling (HC) Agencies and their counseling staff only. Receive training notices and updates about HC issues such as training, grants, employment and contracting opportunities. To subscribe please visit the website or email Jerrold Mayer.
Multifamily Property Disposition
Receive email notices of multifamily properties available for sale nationwide; sale cancellations; sale date extensions; changes in sales conditions and other related information.
Office of Affordable Housing Programs
You will receive notices, the HOMEfires newsletter, training opportunities, technical assistance products, etc. This info is also available on the HOME website and through the Community Connections Clearinghouse.
Office of Public Affairs Stakeholder Outreach/Communications
This listserv will be used to send out invitations to weekly HUD stakeholder briefings hosted by Office of Public Affairs as well as other periodic invitations and communications.
ROSS-Service Coordinator
The purpose of this listserv is to create a vehicle by which to provide timely information to ROSS grantees about the program.
Acquisition & Relocation
To provide interested persons useful information to implement HUD funded programs and projects in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act or URA) and other similar HUD requirements such as Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act.
Timely updates about new items posted to HUD's Office of Native American Programs Codetalk webpages. Subscribe to this list for news, program updates, training opportunities, and more.
Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program
The DCTA listserv disseminates information relevant to economically distressed units of local government (UGLG) that represent communities with less than 40,000 people. This listserv is associated with the Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program – however leaders and employees of local governments that serve a small community and are experiencing prolonged economic distressed are encouraged to subscribe.
Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Mailing List
The purpose of this mailing list is to send information on the EHV program such as upcoming webinars/office hours, published notices, and other EHV-related information.
Emergency Solutions Grants
The Emergency Solutions Grants Mailing List provides HUD's Office of Special Needs (Homeless) Assistance Programs with an efficient communication vehicle for notifying applicants and project sponsors, ESG grantees, field office staff, and other interested parties about policy changes and clarifications, upcoming events, program management tools, and other items of general interest regarding Emergency Solutions Grants.
EWONAP Bulletin
Join the EWONAP Bulletin HUD Mailing List to receive the HUD Eastern Woodlands Office of Native American Programs Information Bulletins with news and events related to Indian Country, HUD ONAP, Eastern Woodlands Regional Tribes, Funding Opportunities, and Training Opportunities.
Fair Housing Initiative Program (FHIP)
The purpose of this Mailing List is to provide information to current and potential Fair Housing Initiative Program Grantees.
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Receive newsletters and notifications of events. Send an email to Gayela Bynum about joining this closed list. Visit the CFBCI website.
The purpose of this listserv is to provide interested members of the public with equal and timely access to information on fair housing guidance, news, administrative actions, settlements, judicial cases, events, and activities around the nation. All interested individuals can sign up to receive electronic distribution of information.
Homeless service providers, Continuum of Care leaders, HMIS administrators, HMIS software solution providers, and others share information and ideas. Participants receive the HMIS E-Newsletter and other information.
Homeless Assistance Program
The Homeless Assistance Program Mailing list provides HUD's Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs with an efficient communication vehicle for notifying CoC leaders, applicants and project sponsors, ESG grantees, field office staff, and other interested parties about policy changes and clarifications, upcoming events, program management tools, and other items of general interest regarding HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs.
Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing (HPRP)
The Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program mailing list provides HUD's Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs with an efficient communication vehicle for notifying HPRP grantees, sub grantees, Headquarters and field office staff, and other interested parties about policy changes and clarifications, upcoming events, program management tools, and other items of general interest regarding HUD's Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program.
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA)
The HOPWA listserv provides relevant information regarding the HOPWA program and HIV housing to HOPWA grantees, project sponsors, and stakeholders.
HUD's Office of Davis-Bacon and Labor Standards
This list is for HUD's Office of Davis-Bacon and Labor Standards to provide updates to our local contracting agencies and other stakeholders. This includes information on upcoming training or outreach events and sharing and new guidance.
IDIS Communications
The purpose of this mailing list is to send Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) operational updates and program related information to people who use and support IDIS.
Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) OnLine
Users of the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) receive reports on problems, solutions, release upgrades, etc. that pertain to the day-to-day operation of IDIS.
Northwest Office of Native American Programs News
Want to know more about HUD's Native American Programs in the Northwest? Subscribe to this list for news, program updates, funding, training opportunities for Northwest region with Tribes, Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHE), and other interested parties.
Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) Environmental Updates
The purpose of this listserv is to keep Tribes/TDHEs informed of updates on environmental review procedures, policies, consultation, etc.
PIH-REAC Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Users
HUD stakeholders from a broad cross-section of agency programs who rely on the PIH-REAC Technical Assistance Center to answer questions and resolve problems.
Rural Economic Development Mailing list
The Rural Economic Development mailing list is available for discussion of matters related to economic development in the rural United States.
Rural Housing and Stability Assistance Program (RHSP)
The RHSP is designed to provide assistance to rural counties for the purposes of re-housing or improving the housing situations of individuals and families who are homeless or in the worst housing situations, stabilizing the housing of individuals and families who are at risk of being homeless, and increasing the ability of the lowest-income residents to afford stable housing. This Mailing List will provide updates and programmatic guidance the RHSP and potential participants.
SNAPS Competitions
The SNAPS Competitions listserv provides notification to CoCs, Collaborative Applicants, project applicants and recipients, and interested stakeholders about important information related to the annual Continuum of Care (CoC) competitive funding process.
SNAPS Program Information
The Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) Information listserv provides information to Continuums of Care, Collaborative Applicants, project applicants, recipients, federal partners, and the public about program content authored by SNAPS.
Southern Plains Office of Native American Programs (SPONAP) Informative Updates for Tribes/TDHEs
The Southern Plains Office of Native American Programs "SPONAP-UPDATE" Listserv will be utilized to keep Tribes and TDHE's informed of programmatic updates, other federal agency training opportunities and to communicate any necessary information from the SPONAP Office.
Southwest Office of Native American Programs: All Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities
This mailing list will be used to share HUD-Southwest Office of Native American Programs (SWONAP) program information, training opportunities, or activities in the Southwest region with Tribes, Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHE) and other interested parties.
Tribal Opportunity Zones News
This mailing list is intended for those Tribes and Tribal partners interested in Tribal Opportunity Zone projects, resources, or updates.
Veterans Affinity Group
The primary purpose of the VAG Listserv is to work collectively with HUD's Diversity Council, HUD Senior management and HUD employees to promote veteran employment, education, community outreach, and volunteerism while working progressively within the established policies and management goals of HUD, including ending veterans homelessness. To subscribe to this list, please contact Keith Jones.
This mailing list is for HUD to disseminate information to property owners and managers across the nation. HUD is currently undergoing several efforts related to improving the landlords experience with HUD housing assistance programs, this mailing list will allow HUD to more easily contact landlords that are interested in receiving information.
Research and Reports
American Housing Survey
HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research invites you to share ideas and resources and ask questions of other AHS users.
HUDuser News
Research and resources for housing and community development professionals from HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R).
HUD Grants Management
HUD Funding Opportunities
Track the release of newly published funding opportunities, notices, and other funding news. Also get updates on HUD policies and activities impacting our grants community.
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