Registration Instructions

    Obtaining a User ID

    A user ID is required to establish a "secure connection" to HUD's secure systems from the Internet. HUD's secure systems provide a means for trusted business partners to submit and retrieve required program information. If you require access to one or more of HUD's secure systems and do not have a user ID, you must register for one by completing the appropriate online registration form.

    Secure Connection Registration Helpful Hints

    • You must register for a user ID under a HUD
      trusted business partner (e.g., anorganization that is an owning entity,
      public housing agency, contractor, etc.)
    • A user ID is assigned to the person that registers, not the organization under which he/she registers. Therefore, each person requiring access to HUD's secure systems must register for a user ID (i.e., a user ID cannot be shared by multiple people). You can register for only one user ID.
    • Your user ID can be used to access any of HUD's secure systems on behalf of an organization, given you have been granted the proper authority.

    Getting Started

    You must complete the following before registering for a user ID:

    Security of Personal Data

    Personal information requested via the internet to obtain User IDs is safe. The link to any of the REAC systems poses no risk to privacy as it is a secure connection. Once entered, personal information is automatically encrypted and is only accessible by technical personnel under strictly controlled circumstances. For example this might occur if you forget your password or a system error requires that your password be reset.

    Personal identifiers are simply a tool to ensure that only you, or your designated staff using their own identifiers, have the sole authority to verify/adjust data previously submitted to HUD by your PHA. Each person entrusted with such data entry requires their own ID. No other use will be made of personal information entered into the system.

    The use of personal identifiers for this purpose has been standard practice by the Federal Government, as well as certain private sector entities, for some time. In fact, the Social Security Administration (SSA) guarantees that using your social security number for identification purposes does not provide unauthorized access to your social security records. You may also wish to consult the SSA Website.


    Helpful Tools