Calendar Year (CY) 2025 Operating Fund Grant Processing
This page includes PHAs and Field Offices' CY 2025 Operating Grant Fund Processing Information.
Public Housing Portal
CY 2025 Schedule
Operating Fund (Op-Fund) Shortfall Funding (COMING SOON)
CY 2025 Explanation and Obligations (COMING SOON)
Data Collection (COMING SOON)
- CY25 Operating Subsidy Grant Processing Notice
- Guidance on the use of Tenant Participation Funds Notice PIH 2021-16
- Inventory Management System/PIH Information Center (IMS-PIC) Sub-Module Reporting and Validation Notice PIH 2021-35
- Asset Repositioning Fee (ARF) Notice PIH 2021-37
- Property Casualty Insurance Notice PIH 2016-13
Utility Information and Guidelines
- CY2025 UEL Inflation Factors (PDF)
- Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) Web Page
- Rate Reduction Incentive (RRI) Web Page
- Small Rural Frozen Rolling Base (SRFRB) Web Page
- Utility Partnership Program (UPP) Web Page
- EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing Energy Performance Contract (PDF)
- CY2025 Formula Income Guidance
- New Project Guidance (PDF)
- EDSC Guidance
- Faircloth Guidance
- JPEID Guidance
- CY2025 JPEID Adjustment Worksheet
- Guidance on Reporting by Non-Asset Management PHAs: Audit, Formula Income, and PILOT
- Transition Stop Loss Asset Management Guidance
- Appeals for Changing Market Conditions
- SAM Guidance
- Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS//) Program: ACCOUNTING BRIEF #23 contains vital information on reporting requirements for FSS (i) Coordinator Grants (CFDA #14.896), (ii) Program Expenses, (iii) Escrow Activities, and (iv) the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program
Operating Fund RAD Transfer
Operating Fund Grant Calculation Instructions and Paper Forms
Note: The Operating Fund Program only accepts the electronic forms posted below unless otherwise approved by HUD Field Offices.
- Form-HUD-52722: Operating Fund Calculation of Utility Expense Level – PHA-Owned Rental Housing (MS Word)
- Form-HUD-52723: Operating Fund Calculation of Operating Subsidy – PHA-Owned Rental Housing (MS Word)
- Form-HUD-53807: Calculation of Subsidies for Operations (Non-Rental Housing) (MS Word)
- Form-HUD-50071: Certification of Payments to Influence Federal Transactions (PDF)