Manufactured Home Loan Program (Title I)

    This program insures mortgage loans made by private lending institutions to finance the purchase or refinancing of a new or used manufactured home. 

    HUD has been providing loan insurance on manufactured homes under Title I since 1969. By protecting mortgage lenders against the risk of default, HUD's participation has encouraged them to finance manufactured homes, which had traditionally been financed as personal property through comparatively high-interest, short-term consumer installment loans. The program thereby increases the availability of affordable financing and mortgages for buyers of manufactured homes and allows buyers to finance their home purchase at a longer term and lower interest rate than with conventional loans.

    Type of Assistance:
    The program insures lenders against loss from default on loans. The buyer must agree to make the required downpayment and meet credit guidelines. The interest rate is negotiated between the borrower and the lender. The borrower pays an upfront insurance premium, along with an annual premium based on the declining balance of the loan. The maximum loan term is 20 years and 32 days for a single unit manufactured housing loan.

    Eligible Grantees:
    Private lending institutions are eligible for insurance on loans made under the program.

    Eligible Customers:
    All buyers who meet credit requirements and plan to use the manufactured home as their principal place of residence, are eligible for the program.

    Buyers of manufactured homes may apply for a loan through a HUD-approved lender or through a lender's approved manufactured home dealer.

    Funding Status:

    Technical Guidance:
    The program is authorized under Title I, Section 2 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1703). Program regulations are in 24 CFR Part 201.

    For More Information:
    For more information contact the National Help Desk at (800) CALL-FHA. To learn more about the design, construction, and installation of manufactured housing, including how to file a complaint about the home or to gain information on missing HUD labels or on regulations visit Manufactured Housing web page or the Manufactured Housing Institute website.