The Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) EAD portal is a web-based technology system used by FHA-approved mortgagees to submit appraisal reports to FHA. All appraisals for new originations must be submitted to FHA through the EAD portal.

    EAD Features

    EAD Access Methods

    There are two ways for mortgagees to access and submit appraisals through the EAD portal:

    EAD User Roles

    Getting Started with the EAD Portal

    Newly approved FHA mortgagees must establish their presence in the EAD portal before they can complete the necessary steps to obtain an FHA insurance endorsement on a mortgage. Establishing a presence in the EAD portal involves both the mortgagee's intended EAD portal Administrator(s) and the mortgagee's designated FHAC Application Coordinator. Get more information on FHA's Onboarding to the EAD Portal web page.


    Go to Onboarding to the EAD page

    Access the EAD Portal

    Access the EAD Portal First-time users must obtain EAD Portal access from the organization's EAD Administrator prior to clicking the icon at the left.

    Attention EAD Administrators: Your FHA Connection User ID and password will not provide access to the EAD portal. You must receive EAD-specific access credentials and an Appraisal Portal "One Time Key" for your first log in to the EAD portal. See the Onboarding to the EAD fact sheet for more information

    System and Technical Information