Industry User Guide for TRACS Internet Applications
This Guide is for Owner/Agents and authorized third party users of the TRACS Voucher Query, TRACS Certification Query, and TRACS Tenant Unit Address Query.
The Industry User Guide for TRACS Internet Applications provides detailed information to assist you in accessing and using the Voucher, Project/Contract, and Tenant Unit Address Queries. The Queries are used to facilitate retrieval of voucher and certification information.
The Industry User Guide for TRACS Internet Applications provides information on the Voucher Query application, Certification Query application, and the Tenant Unit Address Query application. With the implementation of the Internet applications, owners and management agents can access their own data when desired.
- Cover page
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Chapter 3: Contract & Project Based Voucher Summary Report
- Chapter 4: Over/Under Payment Resolution
- Chapter 5: Voucher Detail/Summary Reports
- Chapter 6: Voucher Query
- Chapter 7: Manual Voucher Submission
- Chapter 8: Assistance Payment Report
- Chapter 9: Certification Query
- Chapter 10: Certification with Discrepancies Report
- Chapter 11: Late Certification Report
- Chapter 12: Move-In/Move-Out Query
- Chapter 13: Multiple Occupancy Query
- Chapter 14: Project Evaluation Query
- Chapter 15: Tenant Unit Address Query
- Chapter 16: Verification Query
- Chapter 17: Voucher Tenant Compliance Query
- Appendices