The Service Coordinator Program provides funding for the employment of Service Coordinators in insured and assisted Multifamily Housing designed for the elderly and persons with disabilities. A Service Coordinator is a social service staff person hired or contracted by the Owner or management company. The Service Coordinator plays a critical role to support HUD assisted housing as a platform for financial security, physical security, social connections, and the delivery of long-term community based supportive services.
There are two main funding sources for the Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing Program: operating funding (funding the program through the property’s operating budget or other eligible project resources) and grants provided by HUD through the Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing grant program. Regardless of whether the source of funding is operating funding or grants provided by HUD, all Service Coordinator Programs in Multifamily Housing are expected to adhere to the same requirements as outlined in the SCMF Program Resource Guide.
To learn more about the program requirements for the Service Coordinator in Multifamily Housing program, please visit the HUD Exchange Service Coordinator in Multifamily Housing Program webpage to access the SCMF Program Resource Guide and other resources.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). The CFDA number for the Service Coordinator Program is 14.191.
For more information, contact your local HUD Office.
External Resources and Tools
- Locate your ADRC. ADRCs serve as single points of entry into the long-term supports and services system for older adults and people with disabilities. Sometimes referred to as a “one-stop shops” or "no wrong door" systems. ADRCs address many of the frustrations consumers and their families experience when trying to find needed information, services, and supports. Through integration or coordination of existing aging and disability service systems, ADRC programs raise visibility about the full range of options that are available, provide objective information, advice, counseling and assistance, empower people to make informed decisions about their long term supports, and help people more easily access public and private long term supports and services programs. The Aging and Disability Resource Center Program (ADRC) is a collaborative effort of the U.S. Administration on Community Living and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
- American Association of Service Coordinators
- NERSC, Inc. (New England Resident Service Coordinators)
- Housing America’s Older Adults: Meeting the Needs of An Aging Population This Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) report provides in-depth analysis of the trends shaping America’s older adult population.
The Office of Public and Indian Housing also has a Service Coordinator Grant Program.
- Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing Online Learning Tool
- Burnrate tool. To learn more click here.
- Submission of Funding Requests. Request for FY 2017 extensions must be submitted through GrantsSolutions. Emails and faxes will no longer be accepted.
- Uniform Performance Period Across Portfolio. All grants will now have performance start date of January 1 and a performance end date of December 31. This uniformity will allow for confident budget forecasting as well as better field office management of awards.
- Latest GAO Report
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