The information regarding the Multifamily Property / Contract / Rent & Utility Allowance Datasets, and properties is being furnished for the convenience of interested parties. The information has been compiled from multiple data sources within FHA or its contractors. This information does not purport to be complete or all inclusive. No representation or warranty, express or implied, as to any of the information contained in these files is made by HUD, FHA or any of their respective contractors, representatives or agents, or any officer, Director, employee, or any of the above.
Based on numerous requests for this data we plan on updating the contents of this file monthly.
Multifamily Property / Contract / Rent & Utility Allowance Datasets
File | File Format | File Size |
Contract Renewal Information - all Contracts (as of 1/6/2025) |
Microsoft Excel |
1.62 MB
Contract Renewal Information - non-blank (as of 1/6/2025) Data Element Dictionary (DED) |
Microsoft Excel |
1.19 MB
15.7 KB |
Contracts with Rent amt and Utility Allowance amt (as of 1/6/2025) Data Element Dictionary (DED) |
Microsoft Excel |
3.35 MB
73.1 KB |
Active Multifamily Portfolio-Property Level data (as of 1/6/2025) Data Element Dictionary (DED) |
Microsoft Excel |
9.28 MB
2.64 KB |
Insured Active Multifamily FHA Property Addresses (as of 1/6/2025) |
Microsoft Excel | 2.21 MB |
Last updated: 1/6/2025