These instructions are for lenders and service bureaus that choose to retrieve pregenerated Single Family monthly (periodic) mortgage insurance premium report files directly from a secure server on the HUD network using the Alternate Report Retrieval process (secure file transfer protocol) rather than using the FHA Connection.
First, the Signup Sheet [DOCX] is completed by the lender (or its designated service bureau) and submitted to HUD via email to the LenderAssistance@hud.gov mailbox.
After the Signup Sheet is received by HUD and processed, HUD issues to the lender or service bureau a unique six-character ID beginning with the letter X (e.g., X00001) and a password. (This information is provided to the contact person(s) specified on the Signup Sheet.) The HUD Xnnnnn ID is used to log on to a secure server on the HUD network.
Note: This is a different HUD Xnnnnn ID than the one issued for making monthly premium payments through CPU to CPU batch file transmissions to a secure HUD server.
The lender or service bureau must test the report retrieval process on HUD's Test platform. Instructions will be provided. When the test is successfully completed, pregenerated report files can be retrieved from HUD's Production platform.
Reporting a Public Internet Provider (IP) Address Change
The lender (or its designated service bureau) must report a public IP address change to HUD as soon as possible. The Signup Sheet [DOCX] must be completely filled out by the lender (or its designated service bureau) for the new public IP address and submitted via email to the HUD LenderAssistance@hud.gov mailbox. The change is made in HUD's system approximately two to three business days after receipt of the completed Signup Sheet.
Pregenerated Report Files
Pregenerated report files include the following:
- Advance Notices: advnotif.dat and advnotif.zip
- Billing: billing.dat and billing.zip
- Lender Notification: lendnotf.dat and lendnotf.zip
- Portfolio: Monthly: portfoli.dat and portfoli.zip; Weekly: portfolw.dat and portfolw.zip
- Reallocation Transactions: realloc.dat and realloc.zip
- Reconciliation: Old Layout: reconcil.dat and reconcil.zip; New Layout: reconcile.zip and reconcile.dat
- Refund Transactions: refunds.dat and refunds.zip
The Pregenerated Reports Schedule for the Alternate Report Retrieval process is available on the FHA Connection from a link on the Monthly Premiums menu. Note that the FHA Connection rather than the Alternate Report Retrieval process must be used to request the Case Detail report or get current Lender Notification and Portfolio reports using specific selection criteria.
The appropriate report file layouts must be used to manipulate the data in the files retrieved from HUD's secure server or downloaded from the FHA Connection. For the Alternate Report Retrieval process, the report files include header and trailer records.
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