These instructions are provided for lenders that choose to submit Single Family upfront mortgage insurance premium (MIP) payments directly to HUD by making CPU to CPU batch file transmissions. (Upfront MIP payment information submitted to HUD is transmitted to the U.S. Department of the Treasury's automated collection service for collection processing.)
First, the Upfront Batch Transmission Signup Inquiry is completed by the lender and submitted to HUD via email to the SfpaygovUpfront@hud.gov mailbox.
The information that is required to be submitted within the email to SfpaygovUpfront@hud.gov mailbox are the following:
Company Name:
HUD 10 digit Lender ID:
Business Contact Information-
Company Name:
Office Phone:
Cell Phone:
Technical Contact Information-
Office Phone:
Cell Phone:
Payment Communications-
The address provided below will be used to inform your institution of errors encountered during payment processing and provide guidance for correction. A group email address is strongly recommended
Note: Communications for payments will be delivered to the email address associated with your institution’s upfront cashflow account and is maintained in LEAP (click the Cash Flow Account Setup tab on the LEAP page displayed at: https://webapps.hud.gov/LeapRecertApp/faces/index ).
Your Public IP Address(es) for your Upload Environments
To better protect HUD’s upload server from unauthorized access, your public IP address will be configured in the firewall protecting HUD’s environment to only allow traffic from the specified IP address.
If you have addresses for both Production and Test, please provide all public IP addresses that you intend to use in the testing and implementation of the upfront premium batch payment submission process to HUD.
If your IP address is the same for Test and Production, please enter that address in both boxes. The below table may be utilized for submission via your email inquiry:
IP Address |
City and State Location of IP Address |
Example | |
McLean, VA |
Test |
Production |
Note: Private (non-routable) IP addresses cannot be used for this purpose. Ensure that your IP Addresses listed above do NOT fall within any of the following ranges of IP addresses reserved for private networks:
After the Signup inquiry is received by HUD and processed, HUD issues to the lender branch specified on the Signup Inquiry a unique six-character ID beginning with the letter X (e.g., X00001) and a password. (This information is provided to the contact person(s) specified on the Signup Inquiry.) The HUD Xnnnnn ID is used to log on to the Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server on the HUD network. To make a payment, the lender transmits a batch file containing upfront MIP payment information to this server. For batch file formats acceptable to HUD, see Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) Payment Batch File Formats.
The lender must test the batch file payment process on HUD's Test platform. Instructions will be provided. When the test is successfully completed, upfront MIP payments can be submitted to HUD's Production platform.
The lender must test the batch file payment process on HUD's Test platform. Instructions will be provided upon receipt of the initial email inquiry for this process. When the test is successfully completed, Upfront premium payments can be submitted to HUD's Production platform.
Upfront Batch File Naming Conventions
Lenders can transmit more than one upfront MIP payment batch file per day to HUD. Transmitted batch files are picked up from the SFTP server and processed by HUD once every hour. The batch file can have any name the Lender chooses. However, the file name must follow the format described below. Each file should have a unique name as a precautionary measure. This prevents overwriting a previously transmitted file that was not processed by HUD yet. Failure to comply with these naming conventions may result in a delay in MIP payment processing.
File Name | Explanation |
This file contains the payment records. The file name must be in UPPERCASE and cannot be more than eight characters in length. The first character (C) must be an alphabetical letter (A-Z). The remaining characters (up to seven - XXXXXXX) can be letters or numbers. However, all letters must be UPPERCASE. The file name extension must be .DAT in UPPERCASE. For example: U0610PMT.DAT |
A completion file with an .END file name extension indicates the completion of a successful transmission of the .DAT file by the lender. It does not need to contain data. HUD uses it as an indication to accept and process the .DAT file. For every file submitted with a .DAT file extension, a corresponding file with an .END file extension must be submitted. The file name must be the same for both files. The .END file name and extension must be UPPERCASE. For example, the .DAT file mentioned above would have a corresponding U0610PMT.END file. The transmission of the .END file must take place after the successful transmission of the .DAT file. These files must be sent sequentially, NOT concurrently. |
Processing Results
The results of the upfront MIP payment batch file processing will be communicated in two formats: email and HTML display page on the FHA Connection.
Email: An email is automatically generated with the status of the batch file submission process and is sent to the primary and secondary contacts listed for the Title II Single Family Upfront Premiums cash flow account set up by the lender in HUD's Lender Electronic Assessment Portal (LEAP). A link to LEAP is available on the FHA Connection's Lender Functions menu.
Also, if a transmitted batch file transmitted is rejected for format or control total issues, an automated email notification is sent to the technical contact provided on the Upfront Batch Transmission Signup inquiry. The reason for the rejection is provided.
FHA Connection: Authorized lender employees will also be able to log on to the FHA Connection (using their existing FHA Connection user ID and password) and view upfront MIP payment history. This will require an update to the user's security access; users should request authorization for the Payment History function of "Upfront Premiums" from their FHA Connection Application Coordinator.
Maximum Payment Amount
A payment cannot exceed $16,000,000.00. If the total payment amount is greater than $16,000,000.00, it must be divided into lesser amounts and submitted as separate batch files.
Reporting a Public Internet Provider (IP) Address Change
The lender must report a public IP address change to HUD as soon as possible. The Upfront Batch Transmission Signup Inquiry requirements are to be completely addressed by the lender for the new public IP address and submitted via email to the HUD SfpaygovUpfront@hud.gov mailbox similar to the initial signup process. The change is made in HUD's system approximately two to three business days after receipt of the completed Upfront Batch Transmission Signup email inquiry.