Office Location and Customer Service Phone Numbers
Atlanta, Georgia (Regional Headquarters)
Five Points Plaza Building
40 Marietta Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Field offices serviced by the Atlanta office:
Birmingham, AL
Medical Forum Bldg
950 22nd Street N. Ste #900
Birmingham, AL 35203
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Customer Service - Alabama: (205) 731-2617
Louisville, KY
Gene Snyder Courthouse
601 W. Broadway, Ste #110
Louisville, KY 40202
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Customer Service - Kentucky: (502) 582-5251
Jackson, MS
McCoy Federal Bldg
100 W. Capitol Street, Ste #910
Jackson, MS 39269
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Customer Service - Mississippi: (601) 965-4757
Greensboro, NC
Asheville Bldg
1500 Pinecroft Road, Ste #401
Greensboro, NC 27407-3838
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Customer Service - North Carolina: (336) 547-4000
Knoxville, TN
John J. Duncan Federal Bldg
710 Locust Street, Third Floor
Knoxville, TN 37902-2526
Knoxville administers Multifamily Programs in East Tennessee (865) 545-4400 or (865) 545-4370
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Nashville, TN
235 Cumberland Bend Ste #200
Nashville, TN 37228-1803
Nashville administers Multifamily Programs in Middle and West Tennessee (615) 736-5365 or (615) 736-5600
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Jacksonville, Florida (Satellite Office)
400 West Bay Street, Suite 1015
Jacksonville, Fl 32202-4410
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Customer Service - Jacksonville: (904) 232-2627
Customer Service - Miami: (305) 536-4456
Field offices serviced by the Jacksonville office:
San Juan, Puerto Rico
235 Federico Costa Street, Ste #200
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Customer Service - San Juan: (787) 274-5846 or (787) 274-5859
Columbia, South Carolina
Strom Thurmon Federal Bldg
1835 Assembly Street, 13th Floor
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Customer Service - SE Region: (404) 331-5136
Customer Service - South Carolina: (803) 765-5592