Environmental Contacts

    The Environmental Contacts page is to provide relevant State resources and tools to assist in completing environmental reviews in Southeast/Caribbean - Region IV. (PDF)

    Airport Clear Zones & Accident Potential Zones

    Federal Aviation Administration - Airports Division
    Southern Regional Office
    1701 Columbia Avenue, Suite 540
    College Park, GA 30037
    (404) 305-6700 / Fax: (404) 305-6730

    Federal Aviation Administration
    Orlando Airports District Office - (Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands)
    5950 Hazeltine National Drive, Suite 400
    Orlando, FL 32822-5024
    (407) 812-6331 / Fax: (407) 812-6978

    Clean Air Act

    Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board
    Ms. Evelyn Rodriguez
    P.O. Box 11488
    Santurce, PR 00910
    (787) 767-8181 ext. 3266

    Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources
    Mr. Howard Brown
    45 Mars Hill
    Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00802
    (340) 773-1082

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    Coastal Zone Management

    Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
    Post Office Box 366147
    San Juan, PR 00936
    (787) 999-2200 ext. 2719

    Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management
    Department of Planning and Natural Resources
    St. Croix Office St. Thomas Office
    No. 45 Mars Hill Cyril E. King Airport
    Rainbow Building Terminal Building - Second Floor
    Frederiksted, VI 00840 St. Thomas, VI 00802
    (340) 773-1082 (340) 774-3320

    Endangered Species

    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
    Ecological Services Field Office Ecological Services Field Office
    Boquerón Field Office Rio Grande Field Office
    Edwin Muniz, Field Supervisor Marisel Lopez, Field Supervisor
    Carr 301, KM 5.1, BO Corozo Edificio Suarez
    Boqueron, PR 00622 Calle Garcia DeLa Noceda - Local No. 1
    (787) 851-7297 Rio Grande, PR 00745
      (787) 887-8769
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    Environmental Justice

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV
    Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center
    61 Forsyth Street, SW
    Atlanta, GA 30303-8960
    Cynthia Peurify, Manager
    (404) 562-9649 / Fax: (404) 562-9664

    Sheryl Good - KY, NC, SC, TN
    (404) 562-9559 / Fax: (404) 562-9664

    Farmland Protection Policy Act

    USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
    Juan A. Martinez - Conservationist
    IBM Plaza
    654 Munoz Rivera Avenue - Suite 604
    Hato Rey, PR 00918-4123

    Post Office Box 364868
    San Juan, PR 00936-4868
    (787) 766-5206 / Fax: (787) 766-5987

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    Floodplain Management

    Puerto Rico Planning Board
    Angel Rodriguez
    Post Office Box 41119 - Minillas Government Center
    Santurce, PR 00940-1119
    (787) 727-4444 / Fax: (787) 268-6858
    Email: rodriguez_a@jp.gobierno.pr

    Virgin Island Department of Planning and Natural Resources
    Brent Blyden
    C.E. King Airport, Terminal Building - 2nd Floor
    St. Thomas, VI 00802
    (340) 774-3320 / Fax: (340) 775-5706

    Historic Preservation

    Oficina Estatal de Conservación Histórica
    Ms. Aida Belen Rivera Ruiz, SHPO
    Post Office Box 9066581
    San Juan, PR 00906-6581
    (787) 721-3737

    USVI - State Historic Preservation Office
    17 Kongens Gade 45 Estate Mars Hill
    St. Thomas, VI 00802 Frederiksted, VI 00840
    (340) 776-8605 (340) 692-9794
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    Sole Source Aquifers

    EPA Region IV Sole Source Coordinator
    EPA Region 4 Sole Source Aquifer Coordinator
    Alanna Conley
    Ground Water & UIC Section
    61 Forsyth Street
    Atlanta, GA 30303
    (404) 562-9443
    Email: conley.alanna@epa.gov

    Toxic Chemicals & Radioactive Materials

    Puerto Rico Environmental Board
    Post Office Box 11488
    San Juan, PR 00910
    (809) 767-8056 / Fax: (809) 754-8294

    U.S. Virgin Islands Territorial Pollution Division
    Department of Planning & Natural Resources
    118 Watergut Homes
    Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820-5141
    (809) 773-0565 / Fax: (809) 773-9310

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    Wetland Protection

    USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
    Caguas Service Center
    Consolidated Medical Building
    Room 406, Box 16, Road 1, km. 37.5
    Caguas, PR 00725-3753
    (787) 743-2743 / Fax: (787) 258-5111

    Wild & Scenic Rivers

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    Dan Haas
    Hanford Reach National Monument
    3250 Port of Benton Boulevard
    Richland, WA 99354
    (509) 371-1801
    Email: daniel_haas@fws.gov

    National Wild and Scenic River System
    Caribbean National Forest
    Call Box 490
    Palmer, PR 00721

    • Puerto Rico - Rio de la Mina
    • Puerto Rico - Rio Icacos
    • Puerto Rico - Rio Mameyes