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Helping Homeless Veterans
The Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness
[Photo: HUD Kentucky staff encourages an end to veteran homelessness]
HUD Kentucky staff encourages an end to veteran homelessness.

If you are a homeless veteran, please consider the following resources for finding housing and supportive services:

Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA) - provides professional help to veterans in obtaining and using all the federal and state benefits to which they are entitled. KDVA never charges a fee to veterans for help in filing claims for veteran benefits.

HUD-VASH Vouchers, which are for chronically homeless veterans including family members.

Other Low-Income Rental Resources (Be sure to ask if the housing authority or property offers a preference for homeless veterans.)

Kentucky Housing Corporation Guide to Homeless Agencies/Services is a county resource directory of homeless services or you may contact Anne Rose at (800) 633-8896 ext. 259.

Veterans Emerging Towards Transition (VETT) Vouchers are housing vouchers being provided to homeless veterans within the 87 counties served by Kentucky Housing Corporation. For more information, click on the link or please call (502) 564-9946.

Louisville Coalition for the Homeless - Bed Referral: (502) 637-2337

Lexington Office of Homeless Prevention and Intervention - Bed Referral: 211

Other Resources