Serving Indiana
About the Local Program Office:
The Indianapolis Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) is responsible for the investigation of housing discrimination complaints under the federal Fair Housing Act, as assigned, as well as other civil rights complaints related to HUD funded programs in Indiana. Such other complaints may include Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, among others.
In addition to helping people who feel they may have been illegally discriminated against, the FHEO staff monitor and provide technical assistance to operators of HUD funded programs to ensure that the various equal opportunity requirements are met. Staff also work to educate the public and various housing and community development groups on the provisions of fair housing laws, civil rights program requirements and related HUD regulations.
If you need more information, call us at (317) 957-7332.
Local Fair Housing Contacts
Service Areas (Jurisdictions)
The Indianapolis Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) is responsible for the administration of all FHEO programs in the State of Indiana. The Indianapolis Field Office reports to the HUB in Columbus, Ohio.
HUD Program Pages
- National FHEO Main Page
- Fair Housing Act
- Filing a Housing Discrimination Complaint
- Office of Administrative Law Judges
- Fair Housing Assistance and Fair Housing Initiatives Programs
- Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Library
- Job Training, Employment, and Contracting Opportunities
- People with Disabilities
- HUD's Newsroom
- Fair Housing Funded Programs
- Professional Organizations
Additional Resources
- Indiana Justice Center
- Indiana Civil Rights Commission
- National Community Reinvestment Coalition
- National Fair Housing Advocate Online
- Fair Lending Guide
- U.S. Department of Justice - housing and civil enforcement section
- FHEO and ICRC partnership