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Skills Training and Job Counseling: Illinois
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  • CareerOneStop and American Job Center - Find career, training, and job search resources just for you.
  • Apprenticeship.gov - One-stop source to connect career seekers, employers, and education partners with apprenticeship resources.
  • YouthBuild - Expand employment and education opportunities for low income or at-risk youth.
  • Illinois Department of Employment Security - Administers state unemployment benefits, runs the employment service and Illinois Job Bank, and publishes labor market information.
  • Re-entry Employment Service Program (RESP) - RESP serves Illinoisans who are currently, or have in the past been, subject to any stage of the criminal justice process and require assistance in overcoming barriers to employment.
  • Section 3 - Section 3, to the greatest extent feasible, ensures jobs, training, and contracting generated by select HUD funding is directed to low- and very low-income persons.