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Homeless Service Organizations

Need help? We've listed some local resources that can provide assistance.

Alabama has eight continuums of care organizations that coordinate services for the homeless regionally. If you are homeless and need help, or if you would like to help others, these organizations may put you in touch with those who provide direct services.

City names that are underlined are linked to a crisis line serving that area.

Homeless Service Organizations - Alabama

Bessemer, Birmingham, Hoover/Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair Counties

One Roof (formerly MBSH)
Mr. Stefan Kertesz, Board Chairman
Ms. Michelle Farley, Executive Director
1704 5th Ave., North
Birmingham, AL 35203
Phone (205) 254-8833
Fax: (205) 951-9055

Florence/Lauderdale, Colbert, Franklin, Marion, Winston and Lawrence Counties

Homeless Care Council of Northwest Alabama
John Corbin, Chairman
PO Box 98
Florence, AL 35631
Phone (256) 383-5610 Ext. 228
Fax (256) 760-6344

Huntsville, Decatur/Madison, Limestone and Morgan Counties

North Alabama Coalition for the Homeless
Mr. Herman Stubbs, President, Board of Directors
Mr. Randall Stanley, Executive Director
1580 Sparkman Drive NW, Suite 111
Huntsville AL 35816
Phone (256) 261-3029

Montgomery/Montgomery, Elmore, Lowndes and Bullock Counties

Mid-Alabama Coalition for the Homeless (MACH)
Ms. Charlene Robinson, President
Ms. Molly Stone, Executive Director
PO Box 242201
Montgomery, AL 36124-2201
Phone (334) 261-6182
Fax (334) 265-3391

Mobile/Mobile and Baldwin Counties

Housing First, Inc.
Ms. Shirley Jefferson, Board President
Mr. Eric Jefferson, Executive Director
2900 Old Shell Road
Mobile, AL 36607
Phone (251) 450-3345
Fax (251) 450-3348

Tuscaloosa/Tuscaloosa County

Tuscaloosa Continuum of Care Group
West Alabama Coalition for the Homeless
Ms. LaShonda Hayes, President
West Alabama Outreach, Inc.
PO Box 2947, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403
Phone (205) 759-8470
Fax (205) 366-9001

Anniston, Gadsden/Calhoun and Etowah Counties

Homeless Coalition of Northeast Alabama (HCNEA)
Ms. Tara Breiner, Chairman
Ms. Becky Henson, Co-Chairman
The Salvation Army
PO Box 218
Anniston, AL 36202
Phone (256) 236-5643

Balance of the State of Alabama

Alabama Rural Housing Coalition for the Homeless
Ms. Amanda Ship, President
Ms. Felicia Watkins-Jackson, Executive Director
3521 7th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35222
Phone (205) 324-9822 Ext. 19
Fax (205) 324-9311

Russell County (AL) and Muscogee County (GA)

Homeless Resource Network
Ms. Elizabeth Dillard, Executive Director
PO Box 811
Columbus, GA 31902
Phone (706) 571-3399
Fax (706) 571-0707