www.hudclips.org U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. 20410-8000 October 25, 1990 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER Mortgagee Letter 90-38 TO: ALL APPROVED MORTGAGEES SUBJECT: Single Family Loan Production - Streamline Refinancing of FHA-Insured Adjustable Rate Mortgages Completion of Form HUD-92800 I STREAMLINE REFINANCING OF FHA-INSURED ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGES The purpose of this mortgagee letter is to advise all approved mortgagees of a significant change in the Department's requirements for "streamlined" refinances of existing FHA-insured adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). Previously, HUD required that the refinanced mortgage result in a reduction in regular monthly payments. Very often, this requirement cannot be met when refinancing from an ARM to a fixed-rate mortgage since the fixed-rate mortgage will most likely have a higher interest rate than the ARM during its early years. The regulations have been revised by 55 FR 38032 (September 14, 1990) to permit for occupant mortgagors a higher monthly mortgage payment where the original mortgage is adjustable rate and the refinancing mortgage is fixed rate. However, Departmental policy requires that the interest rate of the new fixed-rate mortgage be no greater than two percent above the current rate of the ARM and all mortgage payments must have been made within the month due for the past twelve months. This change is effective immediately. II COMPLETION OF FORM HUD-92800 Outstanding instructions require Direct Endorsement (DE) lenders to identify DE cases by typing "Direct Endorsement" in the mortgagee address box. This message alerts the appraiser to send the completed appraisal report to the DE lender rather than the HUD Field Office. Because DE lenders now process all but a very small percentage of FHA cases, this procedure is being changed. _____________________________________________________________________ 2 Effective immediately on all prior approval applications, to be HUD processed, mortgagees are to type in "HUD processed" in the mortgagee address box. All appraisers must be instructed to be sure to send these cases to the HUD Field Office for review and issuance of a conditional commitment. If you have any questions, please contact your local HUD Office. Very sincerely yours, Arthur J. Hill Acting Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner