www.hudclips.org U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. 20410-8000 August 10, 1990 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER Mortgagee Letter 90-28 TO: ALL APPROVED MORTGAGEES SUBJECT: Single Family Production - Field Review of Appraisals Involving Former HUD-Owned Properties The purpose of this letter is to clarify instructions contained in Paragraph 3-3, G., Handbook HUD 4000.4 REV 1, and Direct Endorsement Update 87-1 concerning the field review. Present HUD policy requires that the appraisal of any former HUD owned property-must be field reviewed by HUD or the Direct Endorsement Lender if the current value of the property exceeds the sales price at which HUD sold it by 10 percent of more. This review should be performed only on cases that have been sold by the Department within the past year and must be performed by qualified persons such as a Direct Endorsement Underwriter, a private appraiser that is knowledgeable about HUD appraisal policy gr a person from the Mortgagee's quality control department that is knowledgeable about HUD appraisal policy. It is not the intent of HUD for a DE approved lender to hire a private sector appraiser who may not be familiar with HUD appraisal policy. In instances where it is infeasible for a DE Underwriter to perform the required review (property located in New York and the Underwriter in California); there is no qualified person in the lenders quality control department; or there are no private contract appraisers knowledgeable about HUD appraisal policy, the lender should contact the local HUD Field Office for a list of fee field review appraisers to use to perform the field review. The amount of the fee for this review is the fee established for an interior field review in the HUD Field Office having jurisdiction over the area where the property is located. Lenders may not charge more than this fee to the purchaser. Also, it is the responsibility of the lender to pay the fee field review appraiser upon presentation of bills for services rendered. _____________________________________________________________________ 2 If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact the Single Family Technical Support and Valuation Branch in HUD Headquarters at (202) 708-2720. Very sincerely yours, _________________________________ C. Austin Fitts Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner