FY 2022 for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence
Program Description
The purpose of this grant is to conduct research projects on multiple topics of strategic interest to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD’s 2022-26 Learning Agenda (https://www.huduser.gov/portal/sites/default/files/pdf/HUD-Learning-Agenda.pdf) identifies Page 4 of 38 HUD’s priority learning and research questions, consistent with the Departmental objectives and goals described in the 2022-26 Strategic Plan (https://www.hud.gov/sites/dfiles/CFO/documents/FY2022-2026HUDStrategicPlan.pdf). Research on topics highlighted in the Learning Agenda will enable the establishment of up to three Hispanic Serving Institution(s) Centers of Excellence (COE). Pursuant to 20 U.S.C.1101a (a)(5) a Hispanic-Serving Institution "means an institution of higher education that (A) is an eligible institution; and (B) has enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent students that is at least 25 percent Hispanic students at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application." https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title20/pdf/USCODE2020-title20-chap28-subchapV-partA-sec1101a.pdf. All applicants must be institutions of higher education granting two-or four-year degrees that are fully accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Institutions are not required to be on the list of eligible HSIs prepared by the U.S. Department of Education. However, an institution that is not on the list is required to provide a statement in the application that the institution meets the U.S. Department of Education’s statutory definition of an HSI as cited above. If an applicant is one of several campuses of the same institution, the applicant may apply separately from the other campuses if the campus has a separate DUNS/UEI number, administrative structure, and budget, and meets the enrollment requirements outlined above. In addition to the topics listed in the Learning Agenda, applicants are invited to submit research proposals on other topics that address issues or challenges that impact housing, community and economic development, and the built environment in and for underserved communities. The following list of topics is not intended to be exhaustive: equity issues in local housing markets, broadly defined to include production and preservation, rental and homeownership, tenant protections, zoning and land use, property appraisals, property taxation, and other topics; building codes, standards, and construction technologies (including offsite/factory-built housing); “green” or energy-efficient practices in housing and carbon reduction strategies; disaster preparedness, and climate resilient planning and construction, and disaster recovery; innovative solutions that allow residents of HUD-assisted rental housing and other low-income renters to access economic opportunities, quality education, affordable transportation, health care, essential services, green-space and cultural amenities; and, housing and community planning that addresses the needs of and engages underserved communities. The research projects are intended to initiate an ongoing series of reports focused on housing, community and economic development, and the built environment in underserved communities that can serve as national, local, or regional benchmarks and assist in support of COE(s) that expand the housing and community development research efforts at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). Applicants are encouraged to consider the work of other university-based housing research centers, such as the Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers University; Depaul University Institute for Housing Studies; Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies; the Housing Initiative at Penn; New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy; the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies at the University of Florida; and the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at the University of California Berkeley, that sometimes focus on national issues, but largely focus on local or regional housing and community development issues. Applicants are also encouraged to consider the Centers of Excellence at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), funded through past HUD grants. https://archives.hud.gov/news/2021/pr21-153.cfm. The research projects, proposed by the awardee, will focus on topics of interest to the Department and in serving underserved communities from the unique perspective of institutions that are often located in, and serve the residents of underserved communities.
Deadline: The application deadline is 11:59:59 PM Eastern time on 06/1/2023 Submit your application to Grants.gov unless a waiver has been issued allowing you to submit a paper application. Instructions for submitting your paper application will be contained in the waiver of electronic submission.
Preference Points: This NOFO supports the following policy initiatives. If your application demonstrates the appropriate information for the policy initiative, your application will receive up to two (2) points for each initiative, and will receive no more than a total of four (4) points. These points are added to your application's overall score. Minority-Serving Institutions (2 points)
Program Office: Policy Development and Research
Funding Opportunity Title: HUDRD - Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6600-N-29G
Assistance Listing Number (formerly CFDA Number): 14.536
Due Date for Applications: 06/1/2023
Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFO should be directed to the POC listed below.
Name: Madlyn Wohlman Rodriguez Phone: 202-402-5939 Email: madlyn.wohlmanrodriguez@hud.gov Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who have speech and other communication disabilities may use a relay service to reach the agency contact. To learn more about how to make an accessible telephone call, visit the webpage for the Federal Communications Commission. Note that HUD staff cannot assist applicants in preparing their applications.