FY 2020 Estimating the Prevalence and Probability of Homeless Youth

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issues this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) to invite applications from eligible applicants to meet the requirements for youth research activities authorized under Section 345 of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, which calls for “using the best quantitative and qualitative social science research methods available to produce estimates of the incidence and prevalence of runaway and homeless individuals who are not less than 13 years of age but are less than 26 years of age; and … that includes with such estimate an assessment of the characteristics of such individuals.” 

In 2019, HUD published the Voices of Youth Count (VoYC) Study (https://www.huduser.gov/portal/publications/Voices-of-Youth-Report.html) that met the basic requirements of the Act. Using a broad definition of youth homelessness, the VoYC Study offered a nationally representative estimate of homeless youth using Gallup phone-based household surveys, as well as point-in-time estimates of homeless youth based on street and shelter counts. Patterns and subpopulations of homeless youth were identified using qualitative in-depth interviews. To date, however, methods for estimating and predicting the number of homeless youth by linking administrative data from multiple sources have not been fully developed.

Section 345 of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act provides for “such other information as the Secretary determines, in consultation with States, units of local government, and national nongovernmental organizations concerned with homelessness, may be useful.” HUD therefore seeks proposals for other information and methods that supplement the findings from the VoYC Study. Such additional information that can be used to produce estimates of the incidence and prevalence of homeless youth may include the integration of administrative data from local, state, and federal institutions that engage at-risk or homeless youth, such as child welfare agencies, juvenile justice and correctional systems, schools, and hospitals. 

Prospective applicants should carefully read all instructions in all sections to avoid sending an incomplete or ineligible application. HUD funding is highly competitive. Failure to respond accurately to any submission requirement could result in an incomplete or noncompetitive proposal. During the selection process HUD is prohibited from disclosing 1) information regarding any applicant’s relative standing, 2) the amount of assistance requested by an applicant, and 3) any information contained in the application. Prior to the application deadline, HUD may not disclose the identity of any applicant or the number of applicants that have applied for assistance.

Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6400-N-59

Opportunity Title: Estimating the Prevalence and Probability of Homeless Youth
CFDA No.: 14.536
Publication Date: 05/15/2020
Application Deadline: 07/01/2020
Program NOFA 

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