FY 2021 Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program

The FY2021 Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program NOFO has been published to Grants.gov. Attached you will find the NOFO and FONSI to be uploaded to the HUD Funding Opportunity webpage along with the summary below:

The purpose of the Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program (VHRMP) is to explore the potential benefits of awarding grants to nonprofit organizations to rehabilitate and modify the primary residence of veterans who are low-income and have disabilities. The funds made available under this program will be awarded competitively.

A number of America’s veterans who are low-income and have disabilities are in need of adaptive housing to help them regain or maintain their independence, are unable to fund significant home repairs, or are burdened by utility costs. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, HUD designed the VHRMP to test a new approach to address these challenges in accordance with section 1079 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. “Buck” McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public Law 113-291, §1079, enacted December 19, 2014, as amended by Public Law 114-92, §1081(b)(4), November 25, 2015). The VHRMP provides competitive grants of up to $1 million each to nonprofit organizations that provide nationwide or statewide programs that primarily serve veterans and/or low-income individuals. The grants may be used to modify or rehabilitate eligible veterans’ primary residences or to provide grantees’ affiliates with technical, administrative, and training support in connection with those services. The performance goals and required output and outcome measures for these grants are discussed in section VI.C.6 of this NOFO.

Funding of approximately $9,445,988 is available through this NOFO.  HUD expects to make approximately 10 awards from the funds available under this NOFO. .Grants will be competitively awarded up to $1 million per project maximum to selected applicants.

The June 22, 2021 publication corrects certain sections of the NOFO published on April 27, 2021. Potential applicants should review carefully this technical correction notice and determine how this impacts the application they had prepared before issuance of this notice and, thus, whether they choose to submit an updated application which incorporates these corrections and clarifications related to this notice. Applicants who submitted their applications prior to this technical correction notice can choose to submit an updated application that reflects the corrections and clarifications but are not required to if they determine no changes are needed for their application. The last version of the application received by Grants.gov by the deadline date, in accordance with the timely receipt requirements, will be the application that is reviewed and rated.

Technical Corrections:

  1. On page 10, as a result of changes made to the regulations at 24 CFR Part 75, the definition of Section 3 Business Concern has been updated to: (1) A business concern meeting at least one of the following criteria, documented within the last six-month period:

(i) It is at least 51 percent owned and controlled by low- or very low-income persons; (ii) Over 75 percent of the labor hours performed for the business over the prior three-month period are performed by Section 3 workers; or (iii) It is a business at least 51 percent owned and controlled by current public housing residents or residents who currently live in Section 8-assisted housing. (2) The status of a Section 3 business concern shall not be negatively affected by a prior arrest or conviction of its owner(s) or employees. Page 5 of 43

(3) Nothing in this part shall be construed to require the contracting or subcontracting of a Section 3 business concern. Section 3 business concerns are not exempt from meeting the specifications of the contract.

  1. On page 10, as a result of changes made to the regulations at 24 CFR Part 75, the definition of Section 3 Project has been added.
  2. On page 10, as a result of changes made to the regulations at 24 CFR Part 75, the definition of Section 3 Residents has been updated to the definition of Section 3 Worker.
  3. On page 10, as a result of changes made to the regulations at 24 CFR Part 75, the definition of Targeted Section 3 Worker has been added.
  4. On page 11, as a result of changes made to the regulations at 24 CFR Part 75, the definition of Youth Build programs has been added.
  5. On page 30, the section on Section 3 Compliance (5 points) has been edited to: Your work plan must describe your strategy for providing employment and training opportunities arising in connection with Section 3 projects to Section 3 workers within the metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county) in which the project is located. Your work plan must also describe your strategy for awarding contracts arising in connection with Section 3 projects to Section 3 business concerns, Youth Build programs, or business concerns that provide economic opportunities to Section 3 workers residing within the metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county) in which the project is located.
  6. On pages 30 and 31, changes to the bullet points under Section 3 Compliance have been made

Preference Points: This NOFO offers 2 points for either Promise Zone, Opportunity Zones or HBCU Preference Points.

Program Office: Office of Community Planning and Development  

Funding Opportunity Title: Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program

Assistance Listing  Number: 14.278

FAIN (FR) Number:  6500-N- 39

OMB Approval Numbers: 2506-0213

Estimated Opening Date: 4/27/2021

Estimated Deadline Date:  7/30/2021

Agency Contact:  Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFO should be directed to Jovette.G.Gadson@hud.gov. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Please note that HUD staff cannot assist applicants in preparing their applications.

Updated Program NOFO