The PHAS interim rule was published by the Department on February 23, 2011. The interim rule removes a PHA’s requirement of submitting self-certified management indicators under the form 50072. During the interim rule period PHA’s no longer need to submit the MASS data with board resolution and approval to attain a MASS score for its PHAS assessment. During the interim rule period a PHA’s MASS score will be created by using data submitted in a PHA’s unaudited and audited financial statements. The three indicators that the Department is now assessing a PHA’s management performance on are Occupancy, Tenant Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. For further guidance please visit the Departments PHAS Interim Rule web page.
- Transition year 2 PHAS score publication
Transition Year 2 PHAS scores for PHAs with fiscal year ending 06/30/09, 09/30/09, 12/31/09 and 3/31/10 will be issued via email from prior to 09/30/2010. The PHAS score publication will include all PHAs with completed sub-indicators scores (FASS, PASS, MASS & RASS) as of August 2010 with the exception of small PHA deregulation designation. If you have any questions, please contact the PIH-Real Estate Assessment Center, Technical Assistance Center, at 1-888-245-4860 or email to - Transition Year 2 extension notice published July 23, 2010.
- Public Housing Agencies that are subject to receive a PHAS score and required to submit a Management Operations Certification during Transition Year 2 (For quarters 06/30/09, 09/30/09, 12/31/09 & 03/31/10). In addition, Transition Year 2 extension notice requires quarters 6/30/10 and 9/30/10 to submit Management Operations Certification.
- Transition Year 2 Extension PHA's to be assessed list. [Updated]
- Transition Year 2 PHA's to be assessed list.
PHA's with questions or concerns on any PHAS waivers should send emails to
PHA's with immediate questions or concerns on MASS submission please contact REAC TAC at 1(888) 245-4860 or send an email to - REMINDER: PHA's with Fiscal Year End 3/31/2010, were required to submit MASS certification by 5/31/2010. Those PHA's that have failed to submit must do so no later than 8/31/2010 to avoid any potential late penalties up to and including Late Presumptive Failure score of Zero and Troubled Designation.
- Asset Management Transition Year 2 information notice published in federal register January 12, 2010.
- PHA Due Dates for Transition Year 2.
- The Instruction Guidebook for completing Management Operations Certification form HUD-50072 has been updated. The new and improved guidebook has a whole new look including graphics and more information like things to remember, best practices and the often-requested grading criteria. Click documents and guidance to get the new instruction guidebook. (05/23/05)
- Rejected Financial and Management Operations Submissions: How to avoid a Late Presumptive Failure (LPF) score of zero. More.. (11/18/04)
The PHAS rule 24 CFR Part 902 Subpart F PHAS Scoring 902.60 Data Collection (d) (1) requires that The Management Operations Certification shall be approved by PHA Board resolution, and signed and attested to by the Executive Director (E.D.). Please be advised that Management Operations Certifications not submitted by the E.D. will be rejected.
All PHA E.D.'s must have a REAC secure connection ID number. If a PHA E.D. doesn't have a REAC secure connection ID number, the E.D. should register for one via the REAC website. Any questions regarding registration and ID set up should be directed to the REAC Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 1-888-245-4860. You may also contact the TAC via email through the REAC website. (10/05/04) - PHAS Training is available on-line. (07/23/04)
- Management Assessment Certification Reporting Schedule: PHA's must submit annual Management Operations Certification (MASS) within 60 days after its Fiscal Year End. Please click the submission schedule to view important dates during the submission cycle. Submission Schedule
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