Resources - Water Conservation

    Water Conservation

    Multifamily Housing Water Conservation Manual
    Produced by the City of Portland (Oregon), this manual focuses on helping multifamily facilities save water and money. It is primarily directed toward property managers and maintenance staff and discusses many of the water uses found in larger multifamily complexes. However,anyone living within a multifamily housing setting can benefit from its suggestions to achieve water and dollar savings.

    Overview of Retrofit Strategies: A Guide for Apartment Owners and Managers
    HUD and the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) have published this guide to help owners and managers of multi-family properties address these challenges through water conservation. This publication describes techniques property managers may use to conserve water, with approaches requiring modest investment and minimal construction. By describing options in a non-technical manner, owners and managers will be able to select the most appropriate conservation measures for their particular situation.

    Retrofitting Apartment Buildings To Conserve Water: A Guide for Managers, Engineers, and Contractors
    A companion to the above, this guide assists property owners and their agents in reducing water use in apartment buildings. This guidebook explains available options, provides a framework to work with, and summarizes what managers, engineers, and contractors need to know to select the water conservation retrofit strategies that best suit the property in question.

    Residential Water Conservation Techniques
    This EPA presentation includes over 100 color graphic screens and animation to illustrate effective ways to save water inside and outside the house. Topics include efficient toilets, showerheads, faucets; leak detection, water-efficient lawn care and gardening; car washing and pool operation.

    A program of the American Water Works Association, this website includes useful information on water conservation, including a Products Directory, references, and links.

    American Water Works Association (AWWA)
    An international nonprofit scientific and educational society organized to improve drinking water quality and supply. Its website addresses water industry advocacy issues, water quality, utility management and operations, conservation, research, and consumption.

    H2House - Water Saver Home
    The California Urban Water Conservation Council developed this series of web-based tools for assessing water conservation potential in a home under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Council is a consensus-based partnership of over 315 urban water suppliers, public advocacy organizations, and other interested parties concerned with water supply and conservation of natural resources in California.

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