Main Street Grants Notice of Funding Availability
The FY 2009-2010 HOPE VI Main Street Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) was issued on November 11, 2009 and announces approximately $5 million available for award. The deadline date for application submission was March 3, 2010. Eligible applicants were limited to Units of General Local Government (primarily subdivisions of a State) that have a population of 50,000 or less and 100 or less physical public housing units within the Local Government's jurisdiction, and that are otherwise in conformance with the threshold requirements of the NOFA.
The official version of the NOFA and its application forms were available on until the deadline date. In order to receive automatic email notice of the next HOPE VI Main Street NOFA, or other NOFAs that target rural economic development, subscribe to email notifications. As examples, in the Select Category of Funding Activity block, you may choose "housing" and "community development," etc.
To enable you to analyze, cut and paste portions of the NOFA, an unofficial MS Word version of the NOFA, without its required attachments, is located at the below link:
- Grant Recipients from the FY 2009-10 NOFA
- FY 2009 HOPE VI Main Street NOFA (MS-Word Version)
- Main Street NOFA Modification #1
- HOPE VI Main Street Application Data Sheet Form HUD-52861 (MS-Excel)
- Frequently Asked Questions #1 for the HOPE VI Main Street NOFA
- FY 2009-10 NOFA Applicants
Revitalization Grant Agreement
- FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization Grant Agreement
- Exhibit A: HOPE VI Grant Agreement For-Profit Subgrantee and Contractor Certifications and Assurances
- Exhibit B: HOPE VI Grant Agreement Non-Profit Subgrantee and Contractor Certifications and Assurances
Revitalization Grants Notice of Funding Availability
The FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) was issued on July 14, 2009 and announces approximately $113 million available for award. Eligible applicants are only public housing authorities (PHAs) that have severely distressed housing in their inventory and that are otherwise in conformance with the threshold requirements of the NOFA. The deadline for applications is November 17, 2009.
The NOFA is posted here for your reference. The NOFA and its application forms must be downloaded from and the application must be submitted through
- FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization Grantees
- FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization Grant Applicants
- Frequently Asked Questions on the FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization NOFA - 2nd Set
- Frequently Asked Questions on the FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization NOFA
- Technical Correction to FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization NOFA
- FY 2009 HOPE VI Revitalization NOFA
- FY 2008 Funding Information
- FY 2007 Funding Information
- FY 2006 Funding Information
- FY 2005 Funding Information
- FY 2004 Funding Information
- FY 2003 Funding Information
- FY 2002 Funding Information
- FY 2001 Funding Information
- FY 2000 Funding Information
- FY 1997-1999 Grant History
- HOPE VI Appropriations
- Program Authority and Funding History