The participation of both public housing residents living at HOPE VI sites to be revitalized and the surrounding community is essential to the HOPE VI Program and community building efforts. Full resident involvement and community input are crucial elements of the HOPE VI Program.
Below are links to general guidance documentation for HOPE VI Grantees and HOPE VI-eligible public housing agencies (PHAs) on resident and community involvement in the HOPE VI Program. The guidance seeks to clarify the role of residents and the community in the HOPE VI process, and provides public housing agencies with a suggested framework for resident and community involvement as they plan, develop and manage their HOPE VI project.
- FSS/CSS A Perfect Marriage
- Community and Supportive Services for Original Residents (Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
Memoranda of Understanding
- Sample Memorandum of Understanding between PHAs and Walgreens (Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
- Memorandum of Understanding between HUD and the National Urban League (Adobe PDF, 8 pages)
- Memorandum of Understanding between HUD and the Girl Scouts of the U.S. (Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
Requirements for Nonprofit Subgrantees
- 24 CFR Part 84 - Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Nonprofit Organizations
The intent of the resources page is to provide users with items of interest such as upcoming conferences, HOPE VI Best Practices, health and educational reports and other resources that are relevant for CSS practitioners. Feel free to browse around; we believe you will find this information informative. Our goal is to inform, and keep you connected to all things CSS!
2008 CSS Sustainability Conferences
Here you will find archived information from the four regional CSS Sustainability conferences held in 2008.
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