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    In addition to PIH’s websites and newsletters, find the latest official PIH information from these sources.

    PIH News

    On June 30, 2023, PIH launched PIH News, a webpage that features a 12-month archive of PHA Newsletters, important messages from the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and General Deputy Assistant Secretary that were previously sent to PHAs, as well as helpful resource links to other PIH webpages. Now, instead of searching for resources that were in past newsletters or important messages, simply visit PIH News and view a year’s worth of information.

    PIH Notices

    Notices provide guidance, extensions, instructions, clarifications, announcements, and other policy information. Notices are also available on HUDclips.

    Federal Register

    The Federal Register compiles current regulations and official documents. To be notified of updates by email, search “Office of Public and Indian Housing” and click “Subscribe.”


    The Office of Native American Programs posts news, resources, and announcements to Codetalk. Learn more on its mailing list.

    Press Releases

    HUD press releases highlight news, awards, and significant policies.