The CARES Act Waiver Reporting Tool (CAWRT) Data Dashboard (dashboard) shows the information on adoption of COVID-19 waivers and alternative requirements as authorized by Notice PIH 2021-14 and allows the user to drill down to analyze the data based on a number of criteria. The data was provided by PHAs through the completion of the CAWRT Form.
The CAWRT dashboard is accessible both internally to HUD employees and externally to the public. The public-facing dashboard is embedded below and accessible via this link.
The CAWRT Data Dashboard
The date of the current dashboard data may be found on the dashboard pages.
PIH Notice On Cares Act Waiver Reporting
PIH 2021-33 (HA) “Submitting CARES Act Waiver Adoption Information to HUD by December 20, 2021”. This guidance provides directions to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) on the required reporting in the CAWRT.
CAWRT Instructions
Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the CAWRT form, the HUD tool used to report COVID-19 waivers adopted as authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
CAWRT User Guide and Data Dictionary
The CAWRT Data Dashboard User Guide and Data Dictionary (guide) provides an explanation of many of the terms, tables and charts available in the CAWRT Data Dashboard. Additionally, it explains how to access and utilize the dashboard. HUD strongly recommends reviewing this guide prior to contacting HUD with dashboard questions.
If you have questions regarding the CAWRT Data dashboard please send an email to
For additional information on the CARES Act waivers, please visit the PIH's COVID-19 Resource Webpage.
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