Archived Resources

CARES Act Waiver Expiration

  • Occupancy Policies - Explains waivers designed to afford PHAs the opportunity to allow families to remain in assisted units during the pandemic. This section contains information applicable to the Public Housing and HCV programs.

CDC Eviction Moratorium

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a new Order temporarily halting evictions in counties with heightened levels of community transmission. To determine if there is "high" or "substantial" risk of COVID-19 spread in your county, access CDC's COVID-19 Data Tracker.

Eviction Prevention and Stability Toolkit

Building on innovative practices from PHAs around the country and existing HUD guidance, this toolkit offers information and resources to PHAs and HCV landlords on ways to stabilize families during and after COVID-19.  The toolkit includes the following eight attachments:

  • Attachment 5Attachment 6, and Attachment 7: Examples of Repayment Agreements from PHAs. Attachment 5 and 6 are sample repayment agreements for public housing participants. Attachment 7 is a sample repayment agreement from an HCV Only Agency.
  • Attachment 8: COVID-19 Resident Needs Assessment Survey created by Urban Strategies, Inc., can be used to identify resident needs and potential reasons for nonpayment of rent. It is intended to be used to facilitate a one-on-one conversation with the household (e.g., by phone, in-person, or other direct communication).

PHA and Transit Agency Partnership Resources

On November 12, 2020,  PIH and the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) partnered to educate stakeholders on how public housing authorities can coordinate with transit agencies, local municipalities, and school districts to provide essential services in their communities, including access to transportation, education support services (such as WiFi), food, medical appointments, and other essential services.