FHA Servicing & Loss Mitigation
    Classroom Training

    Early Delinquency Servicing Activities and HUD's Loss Mitigation Training

    Classroom Schedule

    Training Dates
    Registration Deadline
    In-Person Training is currently suspended. 

    FHA's National Servicing Center offers classroom training at the Oklahoma Field Office in Oklahoma City, OK. This training is open to HUD-approved mortgagees, HUD-approved Housing Counselors, and Nonprofit Housing Counselors. For-profit Housing Counselors are not permitted to attend this training. The training covers a broad range and includes full coverage of the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1, Servicing and Loss Mitigation Section, including: Delinquencies, Defaults, Mortgage Collection Activities and HUD's Loss Mitigation Waterfall Program. Additionally, overviews will be presented pertaining to Extension of Time Requests and Variances and the Single Family Default Monitoring System.

    There is no registration fee. Space is limited to 45 participants; registration is first come, first served. "Duplicate" registrations will not be permitted. Class sign-in begins at 8:00 a.m. The classroom training will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. and continue to 4:00 p.m. each day. Dress is business casual.

    Register for classroom training

    For technical issues with the registration process, please contact technical support at:1-888-647-5893. Should you not be able to attend after registering, please withdraw your registration in the ECLASS system. If you have any questions, please email: eclass@hud.gov.


    NSC Training News

    The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) recently launched newly redesigned and enhanced Electronic Courses on Loss Mitigation and Servicing System (ECLASS) and the Extensions and Variances Requests System (EVARS) web applications.

    ECLASS is a portal to self-paced, online training for FHA-approved servicers, FHA-approved counseling agencies (HCA), and other non-profit counseling agencies. Our ECLASS web-based registration portal provides more opportunities for servicers/lenders and HCAs to easily self-enroll into the FHA National Servicing Center’s self-paced online and onsite training, and is accessible 24x7.

    EVARS is a web-based application that gives servicers the ability to request Extensions of Time and Variances related to FHA-insured Title II forward loans.

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