Facing Foreclosure

You worked hard to save and purchase a home - but financial hardships can happen to anyone and now you've fallen behind so your lender has decided to foreclose. Your first step now should be to contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency. Foreclosure is a process most lenders would like to avoid. There may be options available to you, and the earlier you see a housing counselor, the broader the range of those options.


HUD Foreclosure Counseling Outcome Study 
2 NeighborWorks® America: National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program Evaluation (Final Report - Sep. 2014)

Be PREPARED. Not Scared.

Your HUD-Certified housing counselor can help you navigate the foreclosure process by opening up the lines of communication, and may be able to request additional time to review your situation and negotiate a resolution. Depending on your situation, you may be able to retain your home or reach an alternative solution that preserves your future credit standing.   



Get the Answers You Need

- No-cost, confidential sessions, in person or by phone
- Fully understand the entire foreclosure process
- Assess your personal and financial picture
- Define your goals


All is Not Lost

- Your lender may have options you aren't aware of
- Communication is key!
- Evaluate your loan, payment and delinquency status
- Develop a home retention or exit strategy


A Plan for the Process

- Create a realistic household budget
- Understand the options available to you
- Preparation and submission of paperwork
- Communication and negotiation


Search for a Housing Counselor


Housing Counseling Resources