Single Family Housing Archived Webinars

    This page contains links to the archived versions of previously recorded webinars presented by FHA's Office of Single Family Housing. These recordings are for informational purposes only and are not an official source FHA policy; they should be viewed as such. See the list of current webinars and classroom offerings.

    Handbook 4000.1 Pre-recorded Training Modules. These pre-recorded training modules provide an overview of the policies and programs contained in the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1 (Handbook 4000.1) for all Single Family products and programs.

    To view an archived webinar, click on your selected webinar's Registration link, provide your registration information, and click on the "Launch Webcast" button that appears on the next page.

    Webinars are provided with transcripts for use by the hearing impaired and others. Once you register and launch the archived webinar, access the transcript by clicking the "Captions" button below the presentation screen.

    Webinar Archives List:


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