Financial Reports
Line of Credit Control System (eLOCCS) Payment Voucher/Expense Report,(revised form HUD-50080-SCMF), is used by HUD to protect disbursement data from waste, loss, misuse or abuse including fraudulent actions and unauthorized access. The data reported will allow the Field Office staff to track expenses and drawdown of funds for eligible activities at intervals within the grant term.
The revised form HUD-50080-SCMF, provides the most essential information HUD needs to determine whether federal funds have been used appropriately. The revised form and modified submission schedule are designed to reduce burden and strengthen the valid data provided to HUD.
HIGHLIGHT: The SF-425 Federal Financial Report is no longer required. Since the revised form HUD-50080-SCMF collects identical information to the SF-425, HUD will satisfy this federal requirement using revised form HUD-50080-SCMF.
- Complete the report. Grantees must complete an individual worksheet for each drawdown from eLOCCS. Each worksheet must itemize expenses incurred during the month or quarter. The total amount of expenses incurred for that month or quarter must be the same amount requested from and paid out by eLOCCS
- Maintain documentation. Grantees must maintain detailed expense documentation in their files. HUD will randomly review monthly/quarterly vouchers to ensure compliance and reserve the right to request documentation as deem necessary. Do not submit supporting documents to HUD unless requested.
- Submit the complete form HUD-50080-SCMF to HUD, only. There are two reporting periods in a 12-month grant term. The first reporting period starts from January 1 through June 30 and the second reporting period starts from July 1 to December 31. These expense reports are due 30 calendar days following the end of each six-month reporting period. Grantees must submit each six-month report in an Excel file.
Performance Reports
The Multifamily Housing Service Coordination (MFSC) Program is adopting HUD’s Standards for Success (SfS) new reporting framework for its performance report requirements. Since 2019, SfS has replaced the form HUD-92456, Semi-Annual Performance Report.
Properties using American Association of Service Coordinators (AASC) Online or FamilyMetrics software are automatically registered for SfS by GrantSolutions (OLDC).
HIGHLIGHT: If you are a MFSC program that will be reporting under SfS for the first time and do not use AASC Online or FamilyMetrics software, then you need to register for SfS. To register for SfS, visit the MFSC B-b SfS Registration Page.
SfS is now required for all Multifamily Housing properties that receive funding for a Service Coordinator (that includes both grant-funded Service Coordinators and budget-based Service Coordinators).
The SfS report is an annual report—not a semi-annual report, as was the case previously. Therefore, the SfS report only needs to be submitted to HUD once a year. The annual SfS reporting period is October 1 – September 30. Submission of SfS reports are due on October 30 of each year unless the HUD Office of Multifamily Housing declares otherwise.
Please keep in mind, the SfS report is a property-based report, rather than a service coordinator-based report. This means each property only needs to submit one SfS report, regardless of the number of service coordinators on site.
The SfS reporting framework modernizes and upgrades HUD’s performance data efforts. Data is stored in a central database where it can be analyzed on demand. The implementation of this reporting framework provides better tools and controls for field offices and headquarters staff to communicate with Award Recipients. This also assists with verifying the accuracy and timeliness of data received.
To learn more about the Service Coordination requirements under SfS, visit our HUD Exchange - MFSC SfS Program site. General information and training resources for SfS can be found on HUD Exchange - SfS. The HUD Exchange is an online platform for providing program information, guidance, services and tools to HUD's community partners, including state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, Continuums of Care (CoCs), Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), tribes, and partners of these organizations.
Quality Assurance:
If your property has received Federal funds or approved budget funds for Quality Assurance (QA) services, an annual QA report must be submitted to HUD, along with the SfS report. All QA reports must be uploaded as attachments and submitted at the same time as the SfS report. Please do not email QA reports separately to your regional HUD officer. The annual reporting period for the QA report is the same.