The Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project (RHIIP) is in response to one item on the President's Management Agenda. The objective of RHIIP is to reduce errors in the administration of HUD's rental assistance funds by taking actions that better assure the "right benefits go to the right persons." To help obtain that objective, HUD has created the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System for Multifamily Housing Program Users.
Chapter 9 of the HUD Multifamily Occupancy Handbook, 4350.3 REV-1, describes in detail the requirements for using the information in the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system for verifying employment and income of tenants and for reducing administrative and subsidy errors.
Improper Payments
The Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act (IPERA), Public Law 111-204, signed into law by the President on July 22, 2010 amends the Improper Payments Information Act (IPIA) of 2002 (Public Law 107-300), and repeals the Recovery Auditing Act (Section 831 of the FY 2002 Defense Authorization Act, Public Law 107-107). Under the IPERA, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) implementing guidance in Appendix C of Circular A-123, agencies are to assess all programs and activities they administer and identify those that may be susceptible to significant improper payments. Where the risk of improper payments is assessed as potentially significant, agencies are required to estimate the annual amount of improper payments and report the estimates in their annual report (PAR or AFR) to OMB, along with plans and targets to reduce improper payments.
Executive Order (EO) 13520 – Reducing Improper Payments, issued on November 20, 2009, further aims to reduce improper payments in high-priority programs by boosting transparency, holding agencies accountable for reducing improper payments, examining and creating incentives for states and other entities to reduce improper payments, and increasing penalties for contractors who fail to timely disclose improper payments. HUD has one high-priority program, the Rental Housing Assistance Programs (RHAP), i.e., Public Housing, Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and Moderate Rehabilitation, and Owner-administered Project-based Assistance Programs, under EO 13520. HUD’s RHAP was assessed as being at high risk of significant improper payment levels. The RHAP is administered by the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) and the Office of Housing.
As required by the President's Executive Order, HUD reports the following information on the new Payment Accuracy website.
Listserv-Multifamily RHIIP Tips
Handbook's Notices and Related Materials
- Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Programs Handbook,
4350.3 Rev-1 , Change 4 - Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development Programs; Final Rule
- Handbook Summary for Owners (10/2003)
- Handbook Summary for Tenants (10/2003)
- Questions and Answers about 4350.3 Rev-1 (8/2007)
- Rent and Income Determination Quality Control Monitoring Guide
- Special Claims Processing Guide Frequently Asked Questions
- HUD Housing Notice H-2012-11 State Lifetime Sex Offender Registration
- HUD Model Lease forms (HUD-90105-a through 90105-d including translated formats)
Eligibility of Students for Section 8
- Federal Register Notice: Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937; Final Rule, Dec. 30, 2005
- Federal Register Notice: Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937; Supplementary Guidance, April 10, 2006
- Federal Register Notice: Eligibility of Independent Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; Additional Supplementary Guidance, September 21, 2016
- Housing Notice H-2016-09, "Streamlining Administration for Multifamily Housing Programs"
- Student Eligibility Restrictions - Qs & As
Interview Techniques
Information Sheets
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage:
- Housing Notice H-2013-06, "Income calculation and verification guidance regarding the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan - Part D Program"
- Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
RHIIP General Information:
Other Information Sheets:
RHIIP Support and Training
- Sign up for Multifamily RHIIP Tips -- a subscription that brings you the latest RHIIP related information via email.
- Opening Doors Through Multifamily Housing: Toolkit for Implementing a Homeless Preference
- Public and Indian Housing's RHIIP Initiative
- Federal agencies are committed to providing high-quality Payment Accuracy information to the public.
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