HUD's Assisted Living Conversion Program relies on other sources of funding for supportive services. There are numerous sources of federal, state, and local funds available to pay for services, including Medicaid, Older Americans Act funds, state-only programs and so on. It is important for applicants to understand that not all residents of HUD-assisted housing will be eligible for all sources of services funding. Also, funding often is not specific to assisted living facilities, but can be used for that purpose. Some potential sources of funding or information about funding include:
- State and Area Agencies on Aging
- HUD Service Coordinator NOFA because applicants for the ALCP program may also apply for funding for a service coordinator.
Medicaid Home and Community Services Your state may offer home and community-based services through its Medicaid program, either through the regular Medicaid state plan and/or through the Medicaid 1915(c) waiver program (i.e., a home and community-based services waiver). Some states pay for assisted living services for low-income seniors this way. Here are links to useful sites that explain Medicaid home and community services and to contacts in your state.
This agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has information about Medicaid and the Medicaid waiver for home and community-based services.
This report describes in "plain English" how Medicaid pays for home and community-based services. Published by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Some low-income residents that could be served by ALCP applicants may have Supplemental Security Income as their primary source of income.
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