Welcome to the 2025 Healthy Homes Calendar Coloring Contest

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HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) is looking for artists around the country to participate in the 2025 Healthy Homes Calendar Contest.  The calendar will be a 12-month calendar highlighting the “8 Principles of a Healthy Home”. We invite children in grades Kindergarten through 6th to complete and submit a drawing or picture following one of the eight principles of a healthy home; essentially: what does a healthy home mean to me? 

The purpose of the calendar is to highlight the principles and allow people to learn and to be aware of these potential hazards in the home, year-round.

Entry Deadline: September 1st, 2024


What is the Healthy Homes Coloring Contest?

The OLHCHH Healthy Homes Coloring Contest is an opportunity to learn about the 8 Principles of a Healthy Home. It draws attention to how to identify potential hazards in the home, and what to do next! (Click here for more information on the 8 Principles of a Healthy Home)

(Contest open to children in grades Kindergarten through 6th)

One (1) entry per child.
Be sure to include the child's name and age, plus a parent or guardian's street address, phone number, and/or e-mail address so that winners may be notified.

​To enter you will need the following:

2025 Calendar Art Contest Template
colored markers, crayons, or colored pencils


What are we looking for? 

The art entries should represent or highlight the 8 Principles of a Healthy Home. We are looking for images of "What a Healthy Home means to you." (Click here for more information on the 8 Principles of a Healthy Home)

  1. KEEP IT DRY: Example: Prevent water from entering your home through leaks in roofing systems. Making sure faucets are turned off and do not drip. Being prepared in cause of a weather-related disaster like flooding, hurricane, etc.

  2. KEEP IT CLEAN: Example: Pick up food, toys, clothes, shoes and trash from around the house. Dust, vacuum, and mop on a regular basis.

  3. KEEP IT SAFE: Example: Store and properly label cleaning products and medication. Keep medication out of reach of children. Make sure there are properly installed handrails on stairs. Make sure doors and windows lock properly.

  4. KEEP IT WELL-VENTILATED: Example: Use bathroom fans when showering or bathing to keep humidity to a minimum. Open windows (if screens are present) to allow good air flow on nice days.

  5. KEEP IT PEST FREE: Example: Clean up food so that it doesn’t attract bugs. Make sure that holes are filled so that bugs and rodents cannot get into your home. Properly store and keep cardboard boxes off the ground so that cockroaches do not use them as a home.

  6. KEEP IT CONTAMINANT-FREE: Example: do not use harsh or dangerous chemicals or cleaning products in your home. Do not outside or yard products inside your home.

  7. KEEP IT WELL-MAINTAINED: Example: check and clean gutters every quarter. Check and replace batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detector twice a year. Change the filters on your HVAC system every other month.

  8. KEEP IT THERMALLY CONTROLLED: Example: have a good working thermostat in order to keep the temperature consistent in the home. Have good ventilation and energy efficient doors and windows to help control heat loss or allow extreme heat to enter the home.


Examples of past entries include images of homes with gardens, pests in the home, dirty footprints entering the home, pool safety, not allowing smoking in the house, etc.

Download the 2020 Healthy Homes Calendar

Download the 2023 Healthy Homes Calendar



Entry Submission

There are a few different methods to submit an entry:

Entries can be scanned and emailed to:


An iPhone/droid image can be used (also emailed).

Hard copy entries can be mailed to HUD HQ at the following address:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
ATTN: Michelle (Miller) Medeiros
OLHCHH Rm 8236
451 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410



Timeline: Must have all submissions by
September 1,2024


If you have any questions, contact Michelle (Miller) Medeiros at Michelle.M.Miller@hud.gov or Magaly Mendez at Magaly.Mendez@hud.gov