Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes

    Visit OLHCHH's Grant Opportunities page to learn more. 

    HUD’s main goal is to ensure everyone in the United States can live in an affordable, safe, and healthy home. The Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes programs work to create new ways to improve homes, share important information that people can use to make their homes healthier, fund programs that help make homes safer, and inform the public on how to prepare for and adapt to extreme temperatures and disasters.

    These programs focus on:

    • Finding and fixing dangers in homes that cause illness and injury
    • Promoting practices and programs for housing where people can live healthy and remain safe during and remediate hazards after disasters
    • Understanding better homes by studying how to make homes safer and healthier, while improving affordability
    • Helping communities help themselves by providing advice and support to communities to develop capacity to make homes better


    Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) programs aim to help all Americans, especially children and persons who are at a higher risk when exposed to health and safety hazards, have a healthy and safe home.

    • The Programs Division provides program management, oversight, and technical assistance for OLHCHH's grant programs.
    • The Programs and Regulatory Support Division ensures regulatory compliance with the Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Rule and the Lead Safe Housing Rule and provides program and technical support to our grantees and stakeholders.
    • Enforcement and support for the Lead Regulations are significant functions of the group, as well as outreach, technical assistance and guidance on lead and healthy homes issues. OLHCHH Contact Information by Region.
    • The Grant Services Division provides the overall supervision of the grant's management life cycle. This consists of administrative, negotiation, awarding, ensuring compliance to meet federal regulations or agency policies, financial audits, regulatory review and award closeout for the OLHCHH's grant and cooperative agreement.
    • The Policy and Standards Division develops healthy homes guidelines and standards, oversees studies, and provides technical assistance on policy issues for OLHCHH and other HUD Program Offices.
    • The Post-Disaster Healthy Housing Resources page informs users on the essentials of healthy homes for post-natural disaster restoration of homes, including the principles and technical aspects of the safe and proper response and removal of mold, asbestos, lead, and other hazards and unsafe conditions.