Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations
Executive Order 13279, Equal Protection of the Laws for Faith-Based and Community Organizations, was issued in 2002 and sets forth principles and policymaking criteria to guide Federal agencies in formulating and developing policies for faith-based and other community organizations, to ensure equal protection of the laws for these organizations, to expand opportunities for, and strengthen the capacity of, these organizations to meet the need for social services in America's communities. Executive Order 13559, Fundamental Principles and Policymaking Criteria for Partnerships with Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations, was issued in 2010 and amends Executive Order 13279 to clarify and strengthen its principles and add certain protections for beneficiaries of Federal social-service programs.  HUD regulations implementing Executive Order 13279, as amended by Executive Order 13559, are found at 24 C.F.R. 5.109 and apply to all HUD programs and activities, except as may be otherwise noted in specific program regulations or inconsistent with a HUD program authorizing statute.
The purpose of this page is to provide faith-based and other neighborhood organizations that carry out activities with HUD funding (including as grantees and subgrantees), with a clear understanding of the requirements that apply to their awards along with guidance to assist them in carrying out program activities under their awards.

Executive Orders, Implementing Regulations and HUD Guidance:


Guidance for Grantees, Sub-grantees, and Contractors:

The Guidance on HUD Regulations Implementing Executive Order 13559—Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in HUD's Programs and Activities, Separation of Explicitly Religious Activities, Nondiscrimination, and Other Related Topics includes all of the topics listed below. Specifically, this guidance addresses prohibited uses of direct Federal financial assistance for explicitly religious activities, separation requirements, and protections to ensure that faith-based groups are able to retain their religious identity after receiving an award.

  • Prohibited Uses of Direct Federal Financial Assistance
  • Preserving Faith-Based Organizations' Religious Identity
  • Separation of Explicitly Religious Activities
  • Separate and Distinct Programs
  • Cost Allocation
  • Non-Discrimination, Eligibility, Outreach and Recruitment
  • Availability of Separate Religious Programs
  • Questions and Answers
  • Model Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights and Beneficiary Referral Request
  • Protections for and Obligations of Organizations that Administer Programs or Activities with Federal Financial Assistance from HUD
  • Contacts for Further Information

Training and Other Resources:

The links below will take you to other documents that provide significant guidance about compliance with the new regulations.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions on this information or the materials above, please contact HUD’s Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at or at 202-708-2404.


About HUD’s Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships: HUD’s Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships serves as a resource center for secular and faith-based non-profit organizations seeking to partner with HUD to address the housing and community development needs of the neighborhoods in which they operate. The Center builds partnerships and serves as a liaison between the grassroots and federal government, ensuring that groups have the latest information about HUD opportunities and programs as well as other federal resources available to their communities. The Center also convenes outside partners, practitioners and organizations from the non-profit and faith communities along with policy makers and government officials to more effectively identify and meet the needs of some of the nation's most vulnerable citizens.