Funding Opportunity Available: FY23 HOPWA HINT NOFO

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Competitive Grant: Housing Interventions (HINT) to End the HIV Epidemic Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the availability of funding under the authority for HOPWA Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) at Section 854(c)(5) of the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act (42 U.S.C. 12903(c)(5)). This funding will provide communities an opportunity to create and implement new projects that align with initiatives aimed at ending the HIV epidemic, and elevate housing as an effective structural intervention in ending the epidemic. HUD is seeking projects with exemplary and innovative qualities, including incorporation of Housing First principles, community-level coordination, data collection with emphasis on stable housing and positive health outcomes, the use of cultural humility in providing housing and services, and a systemic approach to advance equity in underserved communities that can serve as a national place-based model.

Each project must be designed for the Grantee to achieve the following six required project objectives:

  • Implement and document a low-barrier model using Housing First principles to provide housing and services to low-income people with HIV and their families that is innovative and replicable in other similar localities or nationally;
  • Increase alignment with new or existing local initiatives or strategies to end the HIV epidemic by elevating housing as an effective structural intervention;
  • Improve use of available community resources and coordination among local housing and service providers;
  • Increase the amount of quality data collected and used for data-driven decision making with an emphasis on stable housing, positive health outcomes, and equity;
  • Assess and document replicable practices that ensure equitable access and cultural humility in providing housing and services for populations of people with HIV experiencing service gaps; and
  • Prioritize sustainable, effective, and equitable approaches to providing housing and services to people with HIV and their families that can be continued past the funded project’s period of performance.

Each successful applicant under this NOFO will receive a one-time, non-renewable grant to fund housing assistance and supportive services for eligible individuals and families, coordination and planning activities, and grants management and administration. Reporting requirements under this NOFO are more comprehensive than traditional HOPWA program reporting. Grantees will be required to collect client-level data to produce a programmatic HIV Housing Care Continuum Model at the end of each operating year. At the end of the grant period of performance, each grantee must also develop a SPNS Grant Model, consisting of promising practices for and lessons learned in using housing as a structural intervention to end the HIV epidemic. Each SPNS Grant Model will be shared with the public, and lessons learned through these grantee efforts will help inform national and community policy and actions.

Eligible applicants for funding under this NOFO are States, units of general local government, and nonprofit organizations. To be eligible, nonprofit organizations must meet the definition of an eligible nonprofit organization under the HOPWA program regulations at 24 CFR 574.3. 

Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6700-N-11
Funding Opportunity Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Competitive Grant: Housing Interventions (HINT) to End the HIV Epidemic
Closing Date for Applications: January 31, 2024, 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time
Estimated Total Program Funding: $50,000,000
Expected Number of Awards: 20
Maximum Award Amount: $2,500,000

Apply to the FY23 HOPWA HINT NOFO on


Pre-Application Webcast

The Pre-Application webcast for FY 2023 Housing HOPWA HINT NOFO was held on October 18, 2023, for anyone interested in submitting an application for the FY 2023 HOPWA HINT NOFO. The webcast covered the information contained in this NOFO. However, not all content in the NOFO was discussed and potential applicants should carefully read the NOFO prior to submitting an application. Viewing the webcast is optional. Interested applicants who do not view the webcast are still eligible to apply and will receive equal consideration for their grant applications.

View the Pre-Application Webcast

NOFO Questions and Answers

The questions submitted during the Pre-Application Webcast for the FY2023 HOPWA HINT NOFO are available with responses. Additional questions from applicants can be submitted by email to

View NOFO Questions and Answers



Content current as of March 4, 2024