Continuum of Care Grant Inventory Worksheet Report

FY 2024 Grant Inventory Worksheets are NOW AVAILABLE.

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) report is used to record all grants within a CoC’s geographic area that are eligible for renewal funding in the upcoming CoC Program Competition. The GIW calculates an Annual Renewal Amount (ARA) for each project, which is the sum of each project’s renewable budget line items (BLIs) (e.g., rental assistance, leasing, supportive services) and identifies the maximum renewal amount a renewal project applicant may apply for during the CoC Program Competition. The GIW report also calculates the CoC’s Estimated Annual Renewal Demand (ARD), which is the sum of all ARAs within the CoC.

Continuum of Care (CoC) Collaborative Applicants must review their Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) report when distributed by HUD and, if needed, submit requests for corrections to HUD using the GIW Change Form.

FY 2024 GIWs include fields to identify grants that were previously awarded YHDP or DV Bonus funding.

For FY 2024, HUD requires that funding for projects previously appropriated to specific subpopulations (e.g., homeless youth or survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking), the funding must continue to be used to serve the same subpopulation. Therefore, as CoC's evaluate projects to be reduced or eliminated through reallocation, CoC’s must consider funding reallocated from projects that were previously awarded YHDP or DV Bonus funding to be restricted to projects that are committed to serve the same subpopulations as the project(s) the funding was reallocated from.

Collaborative Applicants are encouraged to review the GIW Instructions for CoCs, Collaborative Applicants, and Project Applicants before proceeding.

Select a State, or Search by code or county.


Content current as of August 5, 2024