The Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 budget for the Department of Housing and Urban Development has been enacted. These spreadsheets provide full-year allocations for the Office of Community Planning and Development's (CPD) formula programs: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG); HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), including the American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI); Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA); and Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG).
The allocations reflect the level of funding approved for these programs in your community. The amounts also reflect approved grant reductions and include any reallocated funds for the CDBG and HOME programs. Under the CDBG program, some metropolitan cities have a joint grant agreement with an urban county to administer their CDBG grant. The urban county amounts shown in this table do not include the funds allocated to any metropolitan city. The metropolitan city and urban county amounts are shown separately.
The CDBG allocations reflect adjustments made to the allocations of all entitled cities, urban counties, and States on January 30, 2008. An adjustment was necessary to correct the CDBG allocation of a new urban county for which the population of a "split place" had originally been assigned instead to its State. The correction to the allocation for the new urban county caused the allocations to all other entitled cities and urban counties to be reduced approximately 0.006% (i.e. $6 per $100,000). Correspondingly, assigning the population of the "split place" to the new urban county caused that State's allocation to be reduced. The allocations to all other States (and three Hawaiian counties which administer the State of Hawaii's CDBG allocation) were increased approximately 0.0138% (i.e. $138 per $1,000,000).
All Grants - Excel
Content current as of May 19, 2020.
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