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Chief Information Officer

Assistive Technology Program


Assistive Technology Program


The Assistive Technology Program (ATP) provides technology solutions to HUD employees with disabilities. The products and solutions that the AT Program offers assist employees with their everyday job functions and helps them interface with their computers. These products include an array of software and hardware that support those with low vision, blindness, mobility impairments, hearing impairments and cognitive impairments.


What We Do


Braille Displays

Braille Embossers

Document Scanning & Reading Solutions

Ergonomic Keyboards & Trackballs (several types)

Large Print Keyboards

Large Screen LCD Displays (24")

Screen Magnification Software

Screen Reading Software

Text-to-Braille Conversion Software

Video Magnification Hardware

Video Phone (for deaf employees)

Voice Recognition Software



For more information on Assistive Technology or if you require assistance with Section 508 issues, please contact our Assistive Technology Coordinator.