Youth Homeless Demonstration Program
In 2022, the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) published All In: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness (All In). The plan is built around six pillars: three foundations—equity, data and evidence, and collaboration—and three solutions— housing and supports, crisis response, and prevention. The work funded through this NOFO will support the actions and strategies proposed within the pillars.
The goal of the Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP) is to support selected communities in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. This community planning approach supports the foundations outlined in All In and will guide communities in designing solutions that match the needs in their community, and sharing that experience with and mobilizing communities around the country toward the same end. The population to be served by this demonstration program is youth experiencing homelessness, age 24 and under, including unaccompanied youth and pregnant or parenting youth who are experiencing homelessness. HUD will award approximately $72,000,000 in YHDP under this NOFO through funding appropriated for fiscal year (FY) 2023 on December 29, 2022, through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117- 328) ("FY 2023 Appropriations Act). The FY 2023 Appropriations Act appropriated this funding to HUD "to implement projects to demonstrate how a comprehensive approach to serving homeless youth, age 24 and under ... can dramatically reduce youth homelessness.”
Changes from Previous NOFO
This NOFO reflects requirements similar to those in the FY 2022 YHDP NOFO; however, the following changes were made:
• Communities that have received an FY2016 or FY2017 YHDP community designation
are eligible to apply for and receive an additional YHDP community designation under
this NOFO. Communities that are applying for additional YHDP funds for geography
included in a previous YHDP award are required to answer additional rating factor
questions and must respond to alternative rating factor questions regarding current YHDP
project outcomes. HUD will award a community designation to no more than four
eligible previously awarded YHDP communities.
• The minimum number of youth required to be on a Youth Action Board is increased from three to four members.
• Additional Special YHDP Activities are identified in Appendix A.
• Appendix B is updated to reflect a new process for developing and submitting the
Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) for HUD approval, including a phased approach to
CCP submission and approval, as well as the addition of a requirement to complete and
submit a Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQI) after the first year of project operation.
Funding of approximately $72,000,000 is available through this NOFO. HUD expects to make approximately 20 awards from the funds available under this NOFO.
Program Office: Office of Community Planning and Development
Funding Opportunity Title: Youth Homeless Demonstration Program
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-35
Assistance Listing Number: 14.276
OMB Approval Number: 2506-0210
Opening Date: June 6, 2024
Deadline Date: August 29, 2024