HUDRD - HBCU Research Center of Excellence FY24


The purpose of this NOFO is to fund research at one or more research Centers of Excellence (Centers or COEs, COE when singular) at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The Centers will conduct research projects on topics of strategic interest to HUD and produce research that provides evidence-based solutions to housing, community development,

economic development, or built environment challenges in underserved communities. Applicants must clearly specify proposed research projects and how they fill key knowledge and evidence gaps, describe their capacity to successfully conduct the proposed research and disseminate their findings to policymakers and other key stakeholders, and detail plans for developing and sustaining a Center of Excellence.  Through this NOFO, HUD is seeking HBCUs with demonstrated capacity to conduct rigorous and policy-relevant research, develop actionable policy recommendations, and share findings with policymakers, community organizations and other key stakeholders able to implement policy and programmatic solutions to challenges in underserved communities. We encourage applicants to propose building on their demonstrated experience to do something new and innovative. We encourage the submission of proposals that draw on novel research approaches, including big data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence; community-engaged and participatory research; and novel partnerships such as academic consortia and collaboration with other Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), other Institutions of Higher Education, community-based organizations, or other federal, state and local government agencies. Partners can include subrecipients. Competitive applications will include action and sustainability plans, creative partnerships and collaboration models, multidisciplinary and holistic methodologies, and new or enhanced theory of change models designed to achieve transformative outcomes.  HUD anticipates awarding up to four awards ranging from $1 million to $4 million. Using the funds made available through this NOFO, recipients will undertake multiple research projects.


Changes from Previous NOFO

Purpose. The description of the purpose of the program is revised to identify current HUD research priorities.

Rating factors. The rating factors are revised to ensure the research projects are fully described and the research experience relates to the proposed research projects.

Racial Equity and Civil Rights narratives. Applicants are required to provide narratives, no longer than 2 pages each, addressing Advancing Racial Equity, Experience Promoting Racial Equity, and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing


Available Funds


Funding of approximately $5,000,000 is available through this NOFO.

Additional funds may become available for award under this NOFO consistent with VI.A.2.e., Adjustments to Funding. Use of these funds is subject to statutory constraints. All awards are subject to the funding restrictions contained in this NOFO

Funding Opportunity Title:

HUDRD - HBCU Research Center of Excellence

Funding Opportunity Number:


Assistance Listing Number:


Due Date for Applications:


Agency Contact:  Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFO should be directed to