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This section is organized by strategic goal, measure and program.


Strategic Goal 1:   Strengthen the Nation's Housing Market To Bolster the Economy and Protect Consumers


Measure 1a:  Prevent foreclosures.  By September 30, 2013, assist 700,000 homeowners who are at risk of losing their homes due to foreclosure.

  • 500,000 homeowners will be assisted through FHA early delinquency intervention.
    • Data source:  FHA Single Family Data Warehouse Meta Tables.
    • Limitations/advantages of the data:  The data originate in the Single Family Insurance System-Claims Subsystem, and for convenience are reported from FHA Single Family Housing Enterprise Data Warehouse, Loss Mitigation Table.  The resolutions that are counted as loss mitigation are forbearance agreements, loan modifications, partial claims, preforeclosure sales, and Deeds in Lieu of foreclosure.  Read more...
    • Validation, verification, and improvement of measure:  No data limitations are known to affect this indicator.  The loan servicers enter the FHA data, and the FHA monitors the data entry.  Read more...

Measure 3a:  Reduce vacancy rates.  By September 30, 2013, reduce average residential vacancy rate in 70 percent of the communities hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis relative to at least one comparable area.

  • Data source:  Disaster Recovery and Grants Reporting System (DRGR).
  • Limitations/advantages of the data: The number of properties treated using NSP funds can be over counted because grantees may undertake multiple activities the same address. HUD takes measures to minimize over counting when tracking progress toward this goal. 
  • Validation, verification, and improvement of measure:  HUD has developed a robust methodology to validate DRGR data.  Read more...

Strategic Goal 2:   Meet the Need for Quality Affordable Rental Homes


Measure 5a: Preserve affordable rental housing.  By September 30, 2013, preserve affordable rental housing by continuing to serve 5.3M total families and serve an additional 67,000 families through HUD’s affordable rental housing programs.


Community Planning and Development


HOME Investment Partnerships

  • Data source:  Integrated Disbursement and Information System.
  • Limitation/advantages of the data:  Data reliability has been enhanced by the re-engineering of the system at the end of FY 2009 into FY 2010.
  • Validation, verification, and improvement of measure:  The Office of Community Planning and Development field staff verifies program data when monitoring grantees.  Read more...

Strategic Goal 3:   Utilize Housing as a Platform for Improving Quality of Life


Measure 6:  Reduce homelessness.  By September 30, 2013, in partnership with the VA, reduce the number of homeless Veterans to 35,000 by serving 35,735 additional homeless veterans.  HUD is also committed to making progress towards reducing family and chronic homelessness and is working towards milestones to allow for tracking of these populations.


Continuums of Care

  • Data source:  The point-in-time data are used as the baseline and the Annual Performance Report shows incremental changes annually.
  • Limitation/advantages of the data: The Annual Performance Report is reported throughout the year and each grantee is required to submit its APR 90 days after the end of its operating year, which creates a 90-day time lag for HUD to receive a full year of data.  Read more...
  • Validation, verification, and improvement of measure: The Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs has several validation checks on the data.  The Office does some extrapolation of the Annual Performance Report (APR) data to account for the missing data submissions. Read more...

Strategic Goal 4:   Build Inclusive and Sustainable Communities Free From Discrimination


Measure 13: Increase the energy efficiency and health of the nation’s housing stock. By September 30, 2013, HUD will enable a total of 159,000 cost effective energy efficient and healthy housing units, as a part of a joint HUD-DOE goal of 520,000.


Community Planning and Development


Community Development Block Grant

  • Data source:  Aggregated (summed) raw data on accomplishments reported by Community Development Block Grant grantees in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System.
  • Limitation/advantages of the data:  Data reliability has been enhanced by the re-engineering of the system at the end of FY 2009 into FY 2010.
  • Validation, verification, and improvement of measure:  When monitoring grantees, Community Planning and Development field staff verifies program data.  Read more...

Strategic Goal 5:   Transform the Way HUD Does Business


Measure 27:  Improve program effectiveness by awarding funds fairly and quickly.  By September 30, 2013, HUD will improve internal processes to ensure that we can obligate 90 percent of NOFA programs within 180 calendar days from budget.

  • Data source:  Office of Strategic Planning and Management’s Bi-Weekly NOFA tracking reports (until such time as an automated system for tracking is implemented).
  • Limitation/advantages of the data: As discussed for Measure 27, the NOFA processes are not automated and procedures are lacking.  Because of this, all tracking as a NOFA moves through different stages is done effectively by hand.  Read more...
  • Validation, verification, and improvement of measure: Developing standardized procedures, centralized communications portals, and automated workflows will greatly improve the quality of the measures.  Until such time, several levels of reviews exist to identify discrepancies and errors. Read more...