HUD is funding studies to improve HUD's and the public's knowledge of housing-related health and safety hazards and to improve or develop new hazard assessment and control methods, with a focus on key residential health and safety hazards. HUD is especially interested in applications which will advance our knowledge on key healthy homes issues by addressing important gaps in the science related to the accurate and efficient identification of hazards and cost effective hazard mitigation. Key hazards are discussed in Appendix A, Key Residential Health and Safety Hazards, of this NOFA.
The overall goal of the Healthy Homes Technical Studies program is to advance the recognition and control of priority residential health and safety hazards and more closely examine the link between housing and health.
This Notice solicits Pre-Applications only. Top-ranked submissions will be invited to submit a full application for funding in response to a second announcement (Healthy Homes Technical Studies Programs Full-Application).
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-5900-N-15
Opportunity Title: Healthy Homes Technical Studies Pre-Application
Competition ID: HHTS-15
CFDA No.: 14.906
Deadline Date: July 16, 2015
CONTACT INFORMATION: For programmatic questions, you may contact: Dr. Peter Ashley, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes at (202) 402-7595 (this is not a toll-free number). For administrative questions, you may contact Nadine L. Heath, Director, Grants Services Division, at the address above or by telephone at (202) 402-7680 (this is not a toll-free number); facsimile 202-755-1000.
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