Job Information for Veterans
- FEDSHIREVETS.GOV is the U.S. OPM’s Government-wide Veterans Employment Website. This website is a critical component of the Federal Government’s strategy for the recruitment and employment of Veterans.
- This website is a direct result of Executive Order 13518, Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government. Through this Order a partnership was formed with the Departments of Defense, Labor, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and other Federal agencies, to establish this Website in the hope that it would become the preeminent source for Federal employment information for our Veterans and transitioning service members.
- HUD’s Veteran Information Webpage: On HUD’s own website we have a established a Veterans webpage to provide specific information related to Veterans and their families.
- As a job seeker and Veteran we recommend you visit the U.S. Dept of Veteran Affairs website “VET SUCCESS.GOV” it offers vets and disabled veterans counseling, training, education and other services needed to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs.
- Hiring Heroes: This information will help you understand veterans's preference, how Federal jobs are filled, and unique veteran appointing authorities designed to help you find a job.