The Office of Chief Human Capital Officer's Functional Statements*
The Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Mission Statement: Delivering services to enable HUD's human capital to fulfill the Department's mission and make HUD a model workplace.
The Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) is led by the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO). The CHCO is assisted by a Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer (DCHCO). Together they provide overall policy and strategic direction for the OCHCO.
The following offices report directly to the DCHCO:
- The Office of the Performance Management Officer
The OCHCO organization is comprised of the following offices:
- The Office of Policy, Planning, and Training (OPPT) is responsible for developing and implementing Departmental policy guidance for Human Capital Management and programs. The office is also responsible for Leadership and Employee development programs along with general and managerial skills training for Headquarters and Field employees. OPPT focuses on and has responsibility for conducting workforce analysis and succession planning. The Director of OPPT provides oversight of the following Divisions: Training and Employee Development Division and Policy and Oversight Division.
- The Office of Human Capital Services (OHCS) is responsible for managing and administering the Department's Human Capital programs. Operational responsibilities include strategic recruitment, staffing, position classification and management, pay administration, benefits and retirement counseling, employee and labor relations, performance management, personnel actions processing, maintaining official personnel records, personnel security, and a full range of Executive Personnel programs and operations.
- The Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Support Services (OSS) is responsible for the full range of administrative services and support to OCHCO. OSS is comprised of the Human Capital Information Systems Division, and Budget and Services Division. The OSS Budget and Services Division manages Salaries and Expenses (S&E) budget functions, and provides oversight and monitoring of OCHCO contracts. The Division is also responsible for developing and administering the Department's Transit Subsidy Program and Purchase Charge Card Program. The OSS Human Capital Information Systems Division directs the development of integrated systems and manages OCHCO's human resource information technology (HRIT) inventory and strategies and serves as the OCHCO audit liaison.
- The Office of Accountability (OA) The Office of Accountability conducts evaluations of the Department’s Human Capital management programs and activities and provides analysis, options and recommendations to assist the OCHCO in executing effective operation policy. In this context, Accountability works to continuously improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of human capital programs and activities and ensure they produce human capital programs effective in supporting achievement of agency mission results, delivering the highest quality products and services, and quickly adapting to changing environments through Strategic Planning and Alignment, Talent Management, and Performance Culture.
* Subject to Congressional approval