HUD's "Home for the Holidays": Ep.2: Making a (Gingerbread) House a Home
Ashley wanted a better life for her and her children- HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program made her dreams a reality. House Keys presents a special December series, “Home for the Holidays”, where we talk with first-time homeowners and housing voucher recipients about spending the holiday season in their very own home.
HUD's "Home for the Holidays": Ep.1: A Place to Call her Own
Michelle dreamed of homeownership but never saw a path forward until she learned about HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency program. House Keys presents a special December series, “Home for the Holidays”, where we talk with first-time homeowners and housing voucher recipients about spending the holiday season in their very own home.
Season 3 Ep. 3: Journey to Self-Sufficiency
Devonda discusses her journey to self-sufficiency and how several HUD programs, including the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) helped her become a first-time homeowner. Read more about HUD’s FSS program at https://www.hud.gov/hudprograms.
Season 3 Ep. 2: Foster Youth to Independence: Where it All Began
Ruth Anne White, National Director for the Center for Housing and Child Welfare, Former Foster Youth and ACTION Ohio Representatives Michael Outrich and Joshua Hatch discuss the pitch that led to HUD’s Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) initiative possible and what it means for youth aging out of foster care. Learn more about FYI on HUD’s website at https://www.hud.gov/fyi.
Season 3 Ep. 1: From Homeless to HUD-VASH
Earl Logan, a Navy veteran, and a HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing recipient talks about his struggles with homelessness and how the voucher gave him a new outlook on life. Read more
Episode 1: June is National Healthy Homes Month
Dr. Ben Carson welcomes listeners to National Healthy Homes Month and the 2020 theme, “Healthy Housing for All”. You’ll also hear Dr. Peter Ashley and Mr. Michael Goldschmidt discuss the 8 principles of a Healthy Home and ways to reduce indoor housing hazards.
Episode 2: Housekeeping 101 and Tools for a Healthy Home
Healthy Homes experts Dr. Kandace L. Fisher-McLean and Dr. Pamela Turner discuss two healthy homes strategies, “Keep it Clean” and “Keep it Maintained”. They discuss simple, practical, preventative steps - even for our pets!
Episode 3: Healthy Homes for Kids: Middle School Curriculum
Dr. Sarah Kirby explains, how healthy homes topics can resonate with young people at home or could be added to middle school curricula. Hear how middle schoolers can develop a budget around healthy homes concepts!
Episode 4: Rebuilding Healthy Homes; Post-Natural Disaster Restoration for A Safe and Healthy Home
Disaster preparedness and post-disaster rebuilding expert Dr. Claudette Reichel discusses why taking appropriate precautions related to clean up is important to maintaining a healthy home.
Season 2 Ep. 1
Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development introduces the podcast series, “A Solid Foundation” and talks about the graduating Class of 2020.
Season 2 Ep. 2
Mr. Brian Montgomery, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers his advice for the Class of 2020 and discusses how his career path led him to housing.
Season 2 Ep. 3
Senator Tim Scott, South Carolina offers a viewpoint for students from the perspective of Congress. The Senator discusses his background and why he is passionate about his Opportunity Agenda.
Season 2 Ep. 4
We talk with Ms. Susanne Slater, President & CEO, Habitat for Humanity of Washington, D.C. She gives advice to graduates interested in the non-profit sector and talks about her work at Habitat.
Season 2 Ep. 5
We talk with Mr. Scott Turner, Executive Director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council about the importance of education and his work on the Council.
Season 2 Ep. 6
Mr. Steven Dietz, CEO of United Dwelling provides input from the private sector. We discuss the importance of innovation in housing.
Season 2 Ep. 7
Ms. Anna María Farías, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development talks about coming full circle—from growing up in public housing to her career path and serving at HUD.
Season 1 Ep. 5: The Work of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council
Executive Director Scott Turner talks with us about how the Opportunity Zone initiative is bringing revitalization to communities across the country.
Season 1 Ep. 4: All About Section 3: A Building Block for Economic Advancement
We talk with HUD's Tim Smyth about Section 3 and the Department's proposed changes to the rule so that it will be more beneficial for businesses and workers.
Season 1 Ep 3: The Federal Role in Reducing Homelessness
We talk with experts from HUD and the VA about homelessness in America and what's being done to eradicate it.
Season 1 Ep 2: HUD's role in Disaster Recovery
Deputy Secretary Pamela Hughes Patenaude discusses the Department's role in recovery following natural disasters.
Season 1 Ep 1: The Affordable Housing Crisis
We sit down with Secretary Ben Carson to discuss HUD's efforts to address affordable housing challenges, including rising costs and limited inventory for homebuyers and renters.