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COVID-19 Response and Homelessness: An Action and Resource Guide
COVID-19 Prevention and Response for Homeless Providers: Daily Resource Digest

Digest for June 18, 2020

The emergence of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) calls for enhanced cooperation between public health authorities, homeless service systems, and other partners at the local level. To support these partnerships and the vulnerable households served, HUD and its partners are issuing guidance from subject matter experts on best practices and lessons learned.

This bi-weekly digest contains recently published resources from HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) and its national, state, and local partners.


New HUD SNAPS Resources

Visit the SNAPS Disease Risks and Homelessness page for a full list of COVID-19 infectious disease prevention and response resources.

View the full COVID-19 SNAPS resource digest on the HUD Exchange for a comprehensive list of websites and resources.
Previous Digests: